#019- Mysteries of the Carolina Bays! Randall Explores The Age Old Mystery w/ Expert Chris Cottrell
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#019- Mysteries of the Carolina Bays! Randall Explores The Age Old Mystery w/ Expert Chris Cottrell

15 days ago

The Carolina Bays are shallow elliptical depressions with raised rims that occur on the Atlantic Coastal Plain along the east coast of the United States.

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The geometrical elliptical shape of the bays and their particular orientation first became apparent from aerial photographic surveys. Because the bays have very regular shapes that are very different from other geological structures, Melton and Schriever (1933) suggested that they had been created by a swarm of oblique meteorite impacts. However, meteorite fragments are not common in the region where the bays are located, and the alignment of the bays vary by latitude instead of being parallel as would have been expected for impacts by extraterrestrial objects.

Randall discusses the mystery of the Carolina Bays with expert Chris Cottrell whose been studying the Bays for 20+ years. Chris says, "At one point in my research I had been making connections between the Carolina bays and Nebraska Rainwater Basins, to the Younger Dryas Impact Event, until I discovered hard physical evidence to the contrary. The paleo-Atlantic shoreline of the East Coast might very well be the key to understanding our past. I hope you enjoy the fascinating conversation I had with Randall Carlson on these topics. Randall, as usual brings his own, very interesting and very compelling evidence to the discussion as together we explore The Carolina Bays Mystery!

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