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The Boston Unbombing

4 months ago

What happened at the two sites where pressure cooker bombs were reported to have gone off resulting in the myriad of horrific injuries to spectators at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013? The famous image of the man sporting a cowboy hat assisting a man in a wheelchair who had his legs blow off comes to my mind. Horrific, right? This documentary takes a deep dive into what really happened that day. It is long and sometimes tedious to view, but the content, analysis, and conclusions drawn will forever reset your mind concerning the nature of false flag operations and their purpose in manipulating and moving the masses. The creator of this documentary has assiduously assembled both still images and videos to build a shockingly strong case that the bombings were a false flag operation will all the trappings of crisis directors, actors, and all the Hollywood makeup effects. In short, it was a hoax according to the creator. Allow the evidence to speak for itself.
For further reference: https://educate-yourself.org/cn/bostonbombingdidyouthink20apr13.shtml


Archive site: http://archive.today/o0JEZ

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