Kamala Harris Praises Dick Cheney: Celebrating the Architect of Forever Wars?

5 months ago

We struggle to understand (and mostly shudder) as Kamala Harris celebrates an endorsement that she should be sweeping under the rug. For those who have seen the military industrial complex for what it is, an endorsement from Dick Cheney, who had a famous movie about how he manipulated his position in the Vice Presidency to enrich himself by starting a massive war in Iraq and Afghanistan which cost the US between 6-8 billion dollars, is not a something to be proud of, much less showcase on a national debate for President. As much as it could be used to make the case for a fracture in the Republican party which could be attributed to a weakness in Trump, what it really does is show the desperation of a uniparty controlled by companies who profit from war.

Seen highlighted here, Dick Cheney was universally known by the press and the general community as a force of evil for his part in bringing the US into conflict that brought massive death and destruction to both sides as he fanned the flames for forever wars. This massively saddled the US with debt, killed millions, and usurped resources that would have been much better spend on improving the lives of Americans in the form of education and better healthcare.

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