watch ag struggle to put on a pair of boots

5 months ago

the worse this world gets the better off i am
i've always seen this world in HD
now they're finally noticing
you can't keep playing victim if there's a solution handy
when do they not do it to themselves
nobody gets to choose how they grow up
how apropo that i'm listening to the replacements
when it comes to being a robot nobody cares about replacement
they love to forget that they're a human doin human things
they gotta scroll just to take a shit
God's promises okay
God didn't disappear, you chose not to notice His existence
when you realize everything is a conscious choice you'll have more of a voice in yer own life
many seem to enjoy getting pushed around
be prepared for when you set that boundary
shitheads will prove that they are shitheads
they probably dunno what they're doin tho (most people don't)
infantilized by the culture n the shitheads that promote it
shitheads cos they're full of shit GET IT
i've noticed that lately i've been ending the songs like that
speed up says the man in my head
that bitch mustve heard me talkin bout her
i typically don't make eye contact w/ another driver esp on the freeway
i hope she lives her life to the fullest
i hardly ever raise my voice so that's why i do it so much on this channel
i'm a team player not a hater damnit
several straight white men pretending to be gay on stage, very strange world we are living in now
prove it to the class how insecure you are
i like this dude too by the way, i mean he's a nice guy
these work boots are real sexy (i think)
ag doesn't know how to put on shoes
so i wasn't saying the r-word n i guess i changed my mind...again
so much for my self-discipline
the misogyny gets more n more real every day
i listen to lauren but she's masculine
the way that women talk is so obnoxious
there's that tinge of arrogance
i don't like bitches unless they're right
it's okay to be a cunt when warranted tho
if women leave the house in skanky ass clothing, they should expect to be "mistreated" esp by all these new people polluting the country
baptism is for past mistakes, confession is just in case...
i am so excited about this yogurt yawl, i'm gonna project n assume yer excitement as well

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