Farmer Wade live today with a straight shooting appraisal of the the National Ag Rally

5 months ago

Today Farmer Wade gives an honest and straight shooting critique of not only the so called National Farmers Federation National Ag Rally but an overview of why Australian Agriculture is loosing farmers and is in so much trouble.

He says that the biggest threat to Australian Agriculture and farmers are politicians.

Its not climate change fraud, its not seasonal conditions, its not the people won’t work hard enough, once again the biggest threat to our farmers are our politicians.

Farmer Wade calls on all so called Farmer representative lobby groups to earnestly get in the fight to save our farmers or get the hell out of the way and let other people who will do it take their place.

There is no place for people to head these organisations if they are just interested in a big fat pay cheque, or the junkets that go with it and being able to parade around taking all the selfies with the politicians and celebrities while all the time failing to represent and fight for our farmers and in-fact actively support policies that destroy them. If we are going to win or in-fact we are going to survive we must eject and reject the dead wood, corruption, snout in the troughers and traitors who are costing us everything.

This is now do and die for Australia.

This is the battle for Australia.

If we don’t have farmers and food production you are easy targets who can easily be wiped out with no ability to fight back.

Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion

A summary of the National Ag Rally/Keep the Sheep held at
Parliament House, Canberra, ACT.
Thursday 12th September, 2024

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