Wade explains the farming community must come up to speed with the global big picture - 25/8/2024
Today Farmer Wade spells it out very clearly to those who may not understand.
This includes many of our Farmers who are not aware of how dangerous and how serious the situation is that they are in, our farming community absolutely must come up to speed with the national and global big picture strategy that has been put in place to completely destroy them, their families and the whole country.
They must understand that the four major political parties and some small parties and independents, many of whom make up our Governments hate us and are working for international corporations and organisations who want to destroy our country.
Sadly the vast majority of farmers and particularly many who think of themselves as some kind of community leaders do not care about politics, do not understand politics and therefore don’t realise that politics is the most important element of their farms, lives and businesses.
Many of the things that are going wrong in our country and that are seriously negatively impacting our rural sector and the rest of our country for that matter, are being deliberately done by most of the politicians in our country and all our Government’s.
We as farmers have the capacity to take this on, to go to war against these criminal murderers and win to save Australia and the Australian people.
This absolutely must be a joint effort where we pull as many of our farmers together as we can and that will give us the resources, the might, the courage and the capacity to take these murderous dictators on and influence a huge number of the rest of the population to come on board, understand what is wrong, who is behind it, what their end game is and most importantly how we can come together and fix it.
See and hear this and much much more as Farmer Wade lays the truth and facts on the line.
This is a no holds barred, shoot straight, tell it as it is, no nonsense video where Farmer Wade realises that he might upset a small handful of people but is prepared to do that in the interests of truth and honestly, strength and commitment and a dedication to saving lives in fact every Australians life, and no matter what will not be intimidated or worried out of it and will stand strong with Billboard Battalion and never back down.
We are fighting quite literally to save the lives and futures of our kids and grandkids.
Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion
Koyuga, North Central Victoria
Sunday 25th August, 2024
Wade at Premier Jacinta Allen's office, highlighting her criminal actions - 29/8/2024
Today’s live is bought to you from the Victoria’s Premiers Office Jacinta Allan in her state seat of Bendigo East.
Today Farmer Wade highlights many of the criminal actions that the Premier is involved in and has been involved in for a long time.
This report is part of Farmer Wade and Billboard Battalion’s ongoing public campaign to make the people of Australia aware of the crimes that are being committed against them by our filthy politicians who make legislation and bring in rules and regulations that will dispossess people of their farms, their houses, their properties and will forcibly inject them with lethal biological weapons that are wrongly called vaccines and they will also bring in permanent lockdowns.
All these things combined are intended to cost you your life as they overall plans that these politicians are working towards is population reduction ie. mass murder and genocide.
Farmer Wade also calls on Victoria Police and Australian Federal Police to start arresting and prosecuting these criminals where the evidence is so blatantly obvious and overwhelming that we can only conclude that police high command is covering up these crimes and not letting our rank and file cops arrest these killers.
This right now is the last ditched effort for peaceful and democratic continuity in our country and for our lives. We must as the population and we the people engage in the proper peaceful political democratic process and fight with everything we have to maintain peace and security and freedom and safety for all Australian’s.
Get behind Billboard Battalion and Farmer Wade even if you don’t like politics.
Even if you don’t have time or resources to help.
Get motivated and active and help us and support us now.
Your life and your families whether they live or die very soon, now depends on what you do.
Your inaction and apathy will guarantee the end of your kids, and your grandkids lives.
They have already murdered and maimed millions.
We know this, this is not conjecture.
This is not opinion.
The dead, maimed and injured from what these politicians have done are very real and very here.
The legacy of our apathy is our kids future, or more importantly if we are apathetic, lazy and don’t want to know about it, we are signing off on the death of our kids very soon.
Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion
Bendigo, Central Victoria
Thursday 29th August, 2024
Discussion about interview with Channel 7 Reporter 24/8/2024
Well, today’s live has something new, something that is different to what we have done before in so much as we talk about yesterday’s event that we attended where Farmer Wade takes on Channel 7 and calls them out on camera for being the divisive liars and Government propaganda unit that they are.
In this new strategy we see for the first time ever that I am aware of, we turn our camera’s on the main stream media and start to put the spotlight on the liars that the big networks and main stream media are.
Farmer Wade lays it on the line and tells Channel 7 cameraman and a presenter Bethan Yeoman how the community feels and puts it to Channel 7 to do an interview with Billboard Battalion.
Although a short interview was done we have no confidence at all that Channel 7 will air the interview with Farmer Wade from Billboard Battalion.
This is the very reason that Billboard Battalion recorded the interview and will post it very soon on Billboard Battalion.
This is so that the community can see that Channel 7 has no intention of telling the truth about most things and not like being challenged or called out to do so.
At the start of this live in Echuca we report on meetings that we have had with farmers from around the region and their concerns about how Government policy is deliberately and systematically destroying their business’s, their farms, the Agricultural Industry and Australia’s food security.
We spoke to a number of egg producers specifically about the fraudulent avian bird flu who said that the vast majority of what the Government has been telling the public about the avian bird flu was absolute lies and just a ploy to destroy chicken farmers and create false panic and fear mongering about bird flu as they want to try and turn that into the next fraudulent pandemic.
Farmer Wade uses part of this live to speak about the Bendigo Farmers Rally yesterday, Friday 23rd August, 2024 and make a number of comments about despite receiving enormous support for his commentary and actions, there a couple of knockers in the farming community who have taken umbrage at Farmer Wade for indicating that when we speak about what is happening in the Agricultural Sector, we must be properly informed and go as hard as we possibly can and not allow the whole thing to turn into some sort of stupid childish episode of personality politics. We must realise that this literally is an issue of life and death and we absolutely must have everyone on the same page.
Farmer Wade’s whole message categorically is that he and Billboard Battalion will not back down, and will never back down.
We will fight for our families and communities.
Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion
North Central Victoria
Saturday 24th August, 2024
Billboard Battalion report of the Herald Sun Bush Summit 2024 in Bendigo - 26/8/2024
In today’s video Billboard Battalion attends the Herald Sun Bush Summit 2024 in Bendigo at the All Seasons Motor Inn on Monday 26th August.
Farmer Wade gives a brief report on the Summit and will give a much more comprehensive report soon as there are some results from many of the contacts that we have made.
We will update this as more information becomes available.
Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion
Bush Summit 2024
Bendigo North Central Victoria
Monday 26th August, 2024
Wade speaking at the Great Forest National Park Rally at Mansfield, Victoria, Australia - 13/7/2024.
Here in Mansfield today, on the edge of the High Country in Victoria, Billboard Battalion attended a public rally and Farmer Wade has spoken at this rally which is to try and stop Australian public bushland from being turned into National Parks which will virtually lock out all of the public and most industry.
Today we saw a number of speakers address a crowd of hundreds in the Mansfield Botanical Park.
The community is very unhappy and see’s the incredible danger from Government parasites and saboteurs who are shutting down the people’s rights to have entry to and the enjoyment of more and more of our land that they are turning into so called National Parks.
These assassinations of the Australian people’s right of entry are being undertaken under the specific direction of International Australia hating terrorist organisations such as the World Economic Forum, United Nations and World Health Organisation.
Our Australian Governments, most of who are apart of these International terrorist organisations are taking these actions as a part of the numerous horrific agenda’s that these terrorist organisations want to impose on the Australian people. These attacks are just part of a number of attacks being launched against the Australian people, our country, our jobs and industries, our economy and our overall safety, wellbeing and health.
These National Parks must not go ahead and in-fact all of the National Parks that have been formed must be rescinded and this land returned to public forests.
To push for these objectives to return these national parks to public forest is the main reason why Billboard Battalion was in attendance today.
Farmer Wade’s speech was very well received by the crowd as more and more people are being educated as to what is happening, who is behind it and why.
These actions by Governments in attacking the Australian people are serving to rally more and more of the Australian people against the Government and the horrendous crimes they are committing.
It is the roll of the Australian people to defend our county against the criminals who are trying to destroy it.
This is where the principals of democracy come into play and we must push this as hard as it is possible to do.
If we fail to do this, within only a few years, our kids and grandkids will have no future left.
Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Saturday 13th July, 2024
Mansfield, Victoria.
Farmer Wade daily broadcast from Tambalup, WA - Billboard Battalion 20/4/24
Today’s live is a wrap up of yesterday’s Billboard Battalion public meeting at Katanning in south west Western Australia.
This is part of the Western Australia leg of Billboard Battalion’s National Tour.
This meeting was very well attended with many new people who are now wanting to know what is happening, how it’s going to effect them and what the real facts are.
It was great to see some younger people attending and more people from the Agricultural side of things.
Farmer Wade
Billboard Battalion
Saturday 20th April 2024
Reminder to build pressure on politicians, Digital ID Law - 1/4/2024
On this last day of Easter, Monday April 1st 2024 we touch base and remind people how important it is to start building pressure on our politicians and keep it growing.
We must remember that most of them are our enemies who hate our country and want to continually bring in laws that give the global terrorist organisations complete power and control over you and our country which will result in you losing your life.
Remembering again that they have a vote coming up very soon in the Lower House in the federal Parliament that they intend to vote yes to that would bring in the incredibly dangerous digital ID laws.
Any politician or party who votes in favour of these laws hates you and Australia and intends specifically to do you and your family catastrophic harm.
Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Monday 1 April, 2024
Ringers from the Top End follow up - Billboard Battalion 4/4/2024
On today’s video we talk about first of all the admin from Ringers From The Top End and we thought that we had reached a great result, however it didn’t turn out to be the case.
We have had some success but not the whole thing, although Ringers From The Top End admin have run our video on the destruction of the red meat industry in Australia it appears we still have some problems with most comments being censored and only one comment being allowed which was one comment that was extremely nasty.
The second issue that we deal with today is regarding the one comment where that I think that it would be much better than to try and explain about all of this - if people watch the video they will be able to see for themselves.
Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Thursday 4th April 2024
Ringers from the Top End - Where do you Stand? Billboard Battalion 2/4/2024
On today’s video Farmer Wade calls out the admin from the Ringers From The Top End.
Farmer Wade says to them after he posted (still waiting to be approved) on Ringers From The Top End facebook page thirteen days ago on the 20th March, his video on the impending deliberate destruction of the red meat industry.
Long story short, Farmer Wade and the Australian Agricultural community want to know WHERE DO YOU STAND?
Are the Admins for the Ringers From The Top End supporting Australia and our farmers and rural communities or are they supporting the major international and domestic terrorist organisations who hate Australia and want to see the destruction of the Australian people and our country.
See here Farmer Wade’s challenge and look forward to more video’s in the near future with their response.
Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Tuesday 2 April, 2024
Details of Upcoming NSW, QLD and WA Tour - Wade Northausen - Billboard Battalion 31/3/2024
I have just done a short live for today as its Easter Sunday.
The most important part of this live is to announce tour towns and dates for New South Wales and Queensland.
We have just posted our preliminary flyer on Billboard Battalion.
Please share this flyer around to all those who you know and all platforms.
Thanks to all and we hope you are having a great Easter.
Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
31st March, 2024