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15 seconds

Bill Cooper - CNN Lecture (1992)

5 months ago


  • 0/2000
  • I agree with everything this man said EXCEPT the vote. The vote is a proud declaration that you are too ignorant to understand, let alone practice and achieve a wise win/win with each other. The win/lose paradigm is how the elites keep us weak and fighting each other as wise and honourable. Demand a win/win paradigm for our redemption. People who insist on turning you into a filthy loser in order to justify a corrupt system of social control are unfit to direct the affairs of good and decent people. The win/lose is a childish understanding of our live/die lives except you don't really die silly! We're PLAYING! You simply don't have an opinion that matters as if your were actually dead, and your abilities can only "serve" the winners good time. Demand the Win/Win while you still can. The only reason this man was "allowed" to preach his words is because he still believes the win/lose and voting works. The win/lose paradigm is how we are controlled. But don't tell the poor perverted people of the win/lose mentality that because they only get offended. It's funny how only the afflicted are offended. It's a good thing that the highest potential of the win/lose mentality is we all lose because by then, the win/lose paradigm will have reverted back to the reality of live/die and the filthy losers won't be around to pollute the future as they pollute the present. Too bad, so sad, and good F'n riddance.

  • Sporting games of win/lose are essential for reaffirming in the minds of morons and morons are "Adults Who Think And Act As Children Do" that the self inflicted retardation of the win/lose paradigm mis somehow wise and honourable.

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