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15 seconds

Gerald Celeste - Trends Research Institute

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • THEY LOVE TO LIE On a past video while speaking about Anunnaki, Ashkenazi, and Israel, Miss Kerry stated, "By way of disclosure, I'm part Ashkenazi." Really?! As if we could not already tell. And, you all know by now that the Ashkenazi are one of the Khazarian tribes. You also know that Khazarians are pathological liars. THE RECENT INTERVIEW ON NINO'S SHOW On Jan. 11th, Khazarian Kerry appeared on Nino's show, all flustered, and speaking from a hotel room. She related the story of her fleeing the fire zones of L.A., as she lives in Calabasas (a super wealthy enclave north of Pacific Palisades in the Valley, popular with Khazarians). She had the gall to request donations to help her out, as she flees from one plush hotel to the next, stating that she "can't stand" to stay in cheap shoddy places. LIVING THE HIGH LIFE ~ Bragging, as usual, about her worldwide travels (that takes LOTS and LOTS of money) she said she was staying at the Trump Hotel in Vegas (again VERY expensive) two days before the cyber truck exploded in front of it. She claimed she woke up at 3am screaming wildly as she "saw" the whole future event happening in a vision or dream. This liar pretends like she's so poor, with the sob story of fleeing from luxury hotel to luxury hotel in her "little" car with her dog and cat as the fires spread in L.A. - She does NOT tell you that in 2022, she sold her residence in wealthy Oak Park (2bd condos were selling for $650,000-$800,000 at the time) then moved to the south shore of Lake Tahoe to a $million residence in exclusive Zephyr Cove, NV. Tahoe was too cold for her Reptilian blood, so she moved back to Southern CA to Westlake Village, also loaded with rich Khazarians. While living in Oak Park, she whined for years, "I can barely pay the rent," and "I am barely surviving" all the while traveling the world, eating in fine restaurants, and staying in the best hotels, and requesting donations. She wants YOUR donations to finance her rich lifestyle