everything is an education if you pay attention

5 months ago

music saved my life over n over again, i coulda just said that
it makes sense that i'd come back to this
of course i had to get here thru the back door
i always wanna be alone so i'd make a terrible wife
my records made me feel truly free
driving around blasting music is one of my favorite things in the entire world
people are chronically empty cos they lack passion
expressing yourself is the only way
all they know how to do is what they've been doin
the same empty feeling from the same boring ass thing that they've convinced themselves they have to do
you know this about me, vortex
i still put myself out there even tho i don't want to
everything's a gym
people don't have sumin to turn to that allows em to start anew
i wanted my fate to be to disassociate
lock people up that you don't like n then say you hate abortion
america is a nation of hypocrites
do nothings pretending that they're doing sumin
maybe your phone actually makes you smart n i am the stupid one
maybe that's the truth n i just don't wanna believe it
did you see that guy in the truck, i focus on shit like that
i never expect anyone to understand my reality
you can't fix anything w/out empathy
narcissism for decades
everyone decided to be a robot so out goes the creativity
#kill yourself you're already dead
you've been so mislead to believe that this is what you wanted

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