What Is Babylon?

6 months ago

Many people ask me if what I teach applies to their country. Yes but....

Take a listen to this clip from my Inalienable University.

Named as such to teach you that your rights are INALIENABLE as it states on the contract that structured the USA.

They cannot be taken away.
They cannot be given away without your consent.

Your consent is only LAWFUL when you have full disclosure of the terms of what you are consenting to.

I am a born and bred gal from the United States Of America.

Yes, I know that the code based statutory system is in every modern country.

But I am not an expert on any documents or constitutions of other countries.

I am not an expert on how the barratry is executed there.

I just know that Roman civil law of the statutory code commercialize legal entities IS everywhere.

I'm fighting to save this country.

I'm being attacked by the BAR CARD TOOLS of the state because they've never heard of this.

They're so indoctrinated by their little plaques on the wall that they paid tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for to be trained in the code based system that they literally have no idea, nor do they EVER SPEAK of rights.

I saw a man's post yesterday where he thinks he's going to an appeals court for his 1st Amendment right using the legal entity as the plaintiff in an Article one court.

All that he's doing is wasting his time and money on his BAR CARD tool that will never reveal this to him.

It's a case against Facebook.
Facebook is a corporation.

That man has to take the actual living men and women who made the decisions to censor his speech to an Article Three common law court.

Sue Mark Zuckerberg in an Article Three common law Federal court!

Facebook cannot speak for itself.
A BAR CARD tool will.

The BAR CARD TOOL can ONLY speak for corporations.
GIANNA MICELI is the legal entity.
Gianna Miceli is the living woman.

This "styling" is in the playbook of the American Bar Association. It's on their website deeply hidden.

Are you getting it yet?
Only YOU can exercise your rights, never the legal entity.

So stop being IT.

We'll teach you how to recognize it, and how to distinguish yourself from answering for it.

If the country wants to set itself right...
The statutes are for the LEGAL SYSTEM.
Corporations. Dead entities.

The Common Law is for living men and women.
The people are sovereign so says Justice Gorsuch.
Go put it in a search bar.

Because the idiots claiming I teach sovereign citizen nonsense have no idea what they're talking about.

I never use the word citizen ever.
I am not the subject of any state, STATE, or country.
A citizen is an unpaid employee.
No thanks.

Words matter.

Your diction determines who has authority over you.

I'm a sovereign American.

Nobody has authority over ME as I do not consent to it.

This curriculum is the grass roots of what Trump is doing when he says he's returning the power back to the people.

That's YOU!
You're dropping the ball when you say....

Do they "allow" you to drive without a license?
Do they "allow" you to carry an arm?
Do thy "allow" you to not record and register your private property with the county and state?


You do not ask the government for permission to exercise your rights.

Follow me to freedom.
Please share since I'm being attacked.

Join https://Inalienable.University
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com

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