they claim they love ya but they dunno ya

6 months ago

everything is w/in a camera frame which is why it's so lame
i will always refrain from playing this game
i know it's a bit hypocritical to be saying this in front of a camcorder
at least i can admit my hypocrisy damnit
welcome to me at my most self-righteous
nudists oughta say too blessed to be dressed, there's gotta be more meat on that bone
i never feel alone even tho i might look it
i know you've seen me rant *is that why you left
i wish i could toss you a mint on yer way out cos that's what i'm eating in tribute to yer departure
i get excited doin what God wants me to
i'd rather be trolled than simped at
i hate my sex appeal, i guess i reject it cos i never felt comfortable w/ my outsides
i have to accept that that's what He wanted
we'd be a lot better off if we could just accept things that we might not have wanted
it took me a long while to not feel bad about being different
i'll never be what they want from me
everything is a cope to somebody
i keep fucking this up, sorry bout that vortex
they'll say you're trying to convey sumin way worse than what chu actually meant
you're free to be misinterpreted
you know thismuch, man
counting them would take way too long so just look up at the top, it's around 5.7k
creepers think they know
where are yer headphones at, sorry being a cunt
they were already this way BEFORE social media so...
i might have a buncha videos but i truly hate this shit
just turn it off, that's all you gotta do
have fun out there livin yer life not on yt, you will thank me later i promise, don't JUST touch grass TOUCH SAND
unsubscribe so i can eat another mint

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