Exploring the Capella Star System, 3rd of the Ten Brightest Stars in the Northern Hemisphere

5 months ago

After Arcturus and Vega, Capella is the 3rd brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere. What would happen if we replaced the sun with it?

This video explores that question, first by describing the “star” and it's properties and then, using Universe Sandbox, explores the quadruple star system.

In a hypothetical simulation, the sun is replaced with the twin giant stars of Capella A. This demonstration isn't just a fanciful, hypothetical exercise but portends what will actually happen to our solar system. In the far distant future, when the sun has depleted its compliment of hydrogen, it goes the way of Arcturus, a one solar-mass, red-giant star.

Using basic astronomy and astrophysics, along with the principles of stellar evolution, we explore the evolution of all the stars in the system.

Our corresponding, full-featured article can be found here: https://astronomyforchange.org/the-ten-brightest-stars-and-where-they-are-with-videos-6-capella/

Anyone interested in using Universe Sandbox, you can get your copy here: https://universesandbox.com/

Astronomy For Change: https://astronomyforchange.org
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