Bongino 8/26 Testimony on J13 Failures (Everything He Said) - w/ anon notes and timestamps -BlazeTV

5 months ago

0: Bongino introduced.

Bongino Opening Statement

Apocalyptic failure. Three Big Problems in the SS:

1m. Technology problem: they rely on yesterday’s technology tomorrow. Weaponry, everything is old. Why no slings for years? Why no drones (available for 39.99 at Amazon)?

2m. More with less approach: Only works if you produce MORE. Instead, they produce LESS with MORE.

3m. Investigative mission is too outdated, they are still investigating counterfeiting for example.

~4m: Rep Crane: are whistleblowers calling you? Bongino: Yes [many]. These problems are not new. Comms failures are basic,SS refused radio from local cops. Where was the command post? Not even there?

~7m: ‘’’Better with Director Rowe?’’’ Bongino: [No. nothing’s changed.] Cheadle wasn’t even fired.They withheld counter surveillance from most threatened protectee [Trump]

~9m: Rep. Gaetz: Were they trying to hide something? Whistleblowers were put on leave. Bongino: SS put pressure on agents not to complain. Nobody is held responsible, Ron Rowe got promoted.They have been withholding protection for Trump for 4 years.Congress needs to call this out. Ask specific questions.

Gaetz: What was the intent? Was there malice? Bongino: When I was there, decisions weren’t political. But J13 decisions seemed to at least have a “political tinge.”

~16:55 Gaetz: “What Mr. Bongino just said ought to be the most important work

of the United States Congress.

~17:00 Rep. Corey Mills reads off a list of other recent pathetic SS failures and corrupt practices, including Cheadle’s destruction of cocaine in the WH

~20 Bongino on too many incompetent agents pushed thru who were not qualified

~22 Bongino on incompetence, lack of drones & 2 perimeter rings set on J13, including guy crawling across the roof

~25 Bongino on explosives & missing digital footprint of shooter: “never seen anything like it”

20 yr old kid wo/an online presence? [impossible that this could happens]. Sophisticated explosives? [impossible]

~27 Bongino on holding rooms -- for holding the protectee. Why was Trump put on the X?They knew about the open THREAT for an hour.

~28 Rep. Biggs: re countersurveillance: there was no cs there. Bongino [doesn’t say much, too sensitive].There were many behavioral indicators.

~29: Rep. Crane: Has SS learned their lessons? Bongino: No. relates old problems that remain. Joe Kent from WA (running for congress) on a recent SS failure in WA: did not secure entry points at an event. Bongino: everything’s about OPTICS [wrong priority]

~33: Why important to have a sling on a weapon? (SS did not have for years): Bongino explains. They didn’t use GPS for years, either.

~35: Bongino on roof slope explanation and washing the roof: “odd, yes.” Re body being cremated: “odd.” Quickness of crime scene at home being described: Prince said it “smelled”, Bongino agreed.

~37: Bongino on encrypted accts that are overseas: also “odd.

~38: Bongino:Protective detail should be based solely onthreat level.V. high for Trump.

~39: Bongino re Iranian threat:Death of Solemeini means they are out to get Trump.We have been compromised, security decisions have been made [for the wrong reasons].

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