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X120b: One America News - Research Shows Crime Spike Under Biden/Harris

6 months ago

One America News 08/28 - Research Shows Crime Spike Under Biden/Harris

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  • 0/2000
  • John Murphy I got a breaking bombshell for you. You know how Zuckerberg came out and apologized for censoring early treatment that could have saved the lives of my 3 clot shot murdered family members? And swore he was not giving money to this election cycle? Well his cofounder of Facebook Dustin Moskovitz is. Dustin Moskovitz wrote the check that funded EVENT 201 he made big bucks off his workflow company ASANA when everyone had to work from home during the lockdowns, he has a company called Sherlock Biosciences gene editing company that has big plans for all of us. He is not only a member of the same organization "Effective Altruism" that Sam Bankman Fried is a member of he looks so much like him in the face I wonder if they are related. SBF gave Biden millions and his little brother's company Guarding Against Pandemics got billions from Biden. This also all ties in to the Epstein case. Dustin Moskovitz has had a meeting with Bill Gates, a meeting with Biden and his Sherlock Biosciences company employs the same patent holder of CRISPR CAS 9 gene editing tool (Feng Zhang) that Bill Gates chief science officer employed in his company BNGO funded by Gates. Boris Nikolik, Bill Gates's chief science officer was named a backup executor 2 days before he allegedly died and Boris Nikolik is the person who introduced Bill Gates to Epstein. (I say Epstein allegedly died because Attorney General of the Virgin Islands Denise George noticed money was disappearing from "dead" Epsteins accounts and she tried to freeze those accounts and was unable to do so.) John his is big. This is part 3 of my reporting on this line of investigation. https://rumble.com/v5cpvjh-pfzer-pfunded-pfaceb00k-pf0under-are-pfraud-tll-pfundng-the-leftt-in-2o24.html Truth Bomb Mary WWMD

  • John Dustin Moskovitz is the "person most responsible" for getting Biden elected in 2020. And he is funding the left again in 2024. Co founder of Facebook who pays big money to keep his name off the internet.

  • Thank you!

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