Flouride Poisoning - A Declaration of War against humanity by nazi Warlords

4 months ago

EVERY Living Being needs Fresh Water to Survive. There is a colonial evil element amongst man that is addicted to eugenists occult science manifest through academic laboratory experiments. The Phamacueticals medication industry likes to keep the populations poison dosed to create jobs! Its a workforce of psychopaths in a CYCLE OF WAR against innocent children. This ant-breeding occult has Declared War using War chemicals - without a conscience. Where is justice? Wheres the police to arrest the nazi war criminals? Wheres the courts to prosecute them?? Getting Paid Out to keep quiet.
WE NEED A JUDGEMENT by a Divine order, evil villians dictate too much. Dentists careers to drill holes & fill with amalgam metals - partners to fluoride companies & universities. Its a WORKFORCE OF gestapos in plain sight. Racist white supremacy cultures poisoning indigenous peoples is an planned assault tactics while they expand their businesses using Indigenous as medical guinea projects. This is Chemical Warfare. WAKE UP PEOPLE TAKE BACK THE POWER!

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