not a know-it-all, more like a know-a-lot about shit that nobody cares about

6 months ago

propaganda is back!
literal propaganda underneath my dear dinosaur friend, propaganda
somebody that comes into sns every tue w/ a copy of the wall street journal n i always yoink em
i don't even read em the majority of the time
just in case i wanna do sumin artistic...
i feel bad for eli but i also don't
drinking or getting high to deal w/ emotional pain vs doing so cos you're bored n you don't have a purpose
always thwarted by mental health stuff
spiritual people are more valuable in regards to what they can provide society but this is precisely why the devil consistently fucks w/ our heads
most people really are blockheads
i just try to accept the bad about me n it's no longer as much of an issue
started to chill the fuck out after i turned 30, this dude is only 18
anyone w/out a sense of purpose has nothing to really lose
ag gets honked at, can you believe that (i can)
many people have this attitude in west civ
so bored let's just self-destruct
but the allman bros (and every band in the seventies) did a lotta cocaine
is it super sinful if you're making stuff
most of those people are sheep that's why
they obsess about stupid shit cos they have nothing going for them
twitter is the absolute worst
sorry i reminded you that you're alive n you'd much rather be dead n shit
so many drugs n waaaaaay too much time
it's thur, time for some oxycontin
pieces a shit don't value anything, they are w/out love
why can't i cut people off at MY job
if they keep hurting you they are also hurting themselves
stop letting them get away w/ mistreating you cos you're just giving them an okay to mistreat somebody else
unless you set a boundary...
it might take em a min but hopefully it will happen
this has happened a number of times
i did this poster recently n i love it
those that belittle BE little, GET IT
they put you down cos they have no sense of self, they do that as a defense mechanism
so true about dummy go you another fucking rant about the same shit
no choice but to rage (i know i've been on those same drugs)
if you were actually self-assured you wouldn't give a shit about somebody else's uninformed opinion
i don't wanna validate anyone's misconception by getting all defensive about it
my personality always seems to involve an explanation
driving to ronnit's house... SPOILER: my wish came true!
i am always relieved when i don't get picked
it's worthwhile to do comedy even if i don't like it or feel good about it
addicted to having experiences where i beat myself up i guess tho i think that all comics have a guilt complex
technology has made everyone so boring n it has still impacted me even tho i don't go along w/ most of it
i wish i could pretend that it didn't exist but i literally cannot
is my flip phone life ridiculous or what
not just about principles, i don't want a smartphone damnit
it sounds like i am lugging around a dead body back there
why would you want the internet in yer pocket considering how toxic the internet is now
the cold war has been ongoing
do yawl remember the internet's early days w/ all the pedophiles in the chat rooms
they were actually honking at me i think
nothing to look at on my phone aside from a txt msg
THIS is a camcorder
back when the internet was simple it was still creepy BUT people actually appreciated it
do yawl remember AOL n the little man that would walk across the screen for like 4hrs
now if there ain't free wifi EVERYWHERE boo fucking hoo
our society doesn't deserve a lotta things but the internet has nuked their humanity
so many good things about the internet but it takes more outta me now to ignore the bad
i don't even like to think of myself as on the internet (and yet i have more videos on yt than most people)
the internet is a record store on pcp
most use the internet to prove that they're a narcissist
GET THE FUCK OFF YER PHONE, that's the msg
technology decreases empathy
we're all here to appreciate this one piece of art, that's pretty amazing to me
what i hate about doing comedy more than anything
i notice a lotta shit that goes unnoticed in this country
just trying to help people cos i know that i can, i've had enough of these experiences
so important for artists to put themselves out there
we already have enough useless piece a shit drug addicts in this country, we need people that actually contribute sumin artistic

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