Tank Cooks Cuban Skirt Steak

6 months ago

Thanks to Kyle Fowler for the recipe

Send recipes to NJTank99@gmail.com

3 pounds beef skirt steak, cut long
3 heads garlic (about 30 to 40 cloves)
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 and 1/2 cups sour orange juice (If you can't get sour orange juice in your area, use two parts orange to one part lemon and one part lime)
1 cup onion, minced
2 teaspoons oregano
1 cup olive oil

1. Mash garlic, salt, and peppercorns into a paste, using a mortar and pestle. Stir in sour orange juice, onion, and oregano. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes or longer. Whisk the garlic-orange juice mixture with the olive oil until well blended.

2. Preparing the meat is straightforward. Place the skirt steak in a large bowl or pan. Add enough mojo marinade to cover the meat. Cover the bowl or pan and refrigerate for at least five hours, but preferably overnight.

3. Sear the marinated steaks on cast iron until cooked to medium rare. Chimichurri sauce is great with it, too.

4. Also great on the grill

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