Finding Our True Foundation - a daily inspiration

3 months ago

September 24 - Finding Our True Foundation - a daily inspiration
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Beneath the ego’s programming there forever remains the thoughts of God/Source. When we have bought into the ego’s thoughts of judgment, anger, resentment, and revenge, we have bought into the idea that we are someone we are not. Our use of the ego’s illusions conceals our true nature, and so the more we support them, the less we search for the truth within. We walk around with this false sense of self and wonder why we feel unstable, insecure and unworthy. Today, regardless of how the ego has programmed us to see and define the world, when our own thoughts upset us, let us understand that those thoughts are not truly ours, they have simply been constantly reinforced, and so we now accept as ours. Today let us practice letting go of those thoughts that are not us, with the knowledge that we are safe, supported, held steady and strong by the everlasting love that is our true foundation.
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