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Who are the REAL heroes?

6 months ago

We MUST take a stand and DO NOT COMPLY!!!


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  • if it's God's timing then we are waiting on him not the white hats or trump God wins he is never late he is always on time he's not waiting on more people to wake he is waiting on us to humble ourselves.

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  • when one sheep is lost, the Shepherd will leave his flock to find the one lost sheep. be patient sister. have the faith of a mustard seed. God Bless & Sending love to all of you. ❤❤❤

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  • All in order and lawfully. Satan is the author of confusion. Not many who aren't awake would believe what President Trump had to say in an interview, even with 'evidence'. Some won't believe even if tribunals are aired. I'm not holding my breath for anything, praying that God will reveal every hidden evil and strengthen His warriors. All my hope & faith is in Jesus.

  • I saw the other day where Simon Biles is donating 4 million to the Harris campaign which she's entitled to do but the comments concerned me. A lot of people were glad and saying vote blue no not everyone is waking up. There are plenty that are still clueless.

  • 😎..Rita it’s NOT about waking up people…I believe it’s about ARRESTING. It takes time to track, find and arrest the evil Bast—ds. We have 1 chance and only 1 chance to do this and get it right the 1st time. My opinion. 😎