Gold Price LITERALLY Crushing It & No One Cares (NEW ALL TIME HIGH $2,500+)

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In this video I talk about gold price breaking out above $2500 and how gold has hit a new all time high. I also talk about silver price and how silver price is going up currently. Silver price is now over $29 per oz and gold has never been higher than it is right now! Will gold price continue to climb higher? Will silver price continue to climb higher as well? Why are silver and gold prices on the rise right now? What will affect gold and silver price next week? The main stream media are not covering gold price currently. This silver price update talks about why silver price is up and where silver price can go from here. Will the FED cut rates in September and if so by how much? Will silver price continue to rise or will we have a correction? I do not know the future and this is not financial advice. Silver price has an inflation adjusted all time high of $142 per oz and silver price has a long way to go to climb that high. Where is silver price headed in 2024?

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