Mention The Constitution In COURT??? No Rights!

1 month ago

What is Government LEGAL FOCKERY exactly and how do you remove it from your life?

Let's list the agencies and illusions of the Government Matrix:

State Birth Certificate Registration
(where it all begins...)

Conceal Carry

Marriage license
Hunting license

Fishing license
The Social Security Administration

The DMV, DOT, and Driver's Licenses.
Stop signs, turning right on red, speed signs.

Registering to vote.
School loans

The Value of college degrees.
W-2, W-4, 1099 IRS Forms

That you need and LLC to own your own business.
Corporate Taxes.
TINs & EINs.

The true meaning of the "law". (it's really rules, codes, statutes, and by-laws of corporations)

Auto loans.

Permits for your property improvements.
People thought mask mandates were laws.

That a corporation (invisible man) could force you to vaccinate yourself with an unknown, untested, zero liability poison where the ingredients were kept secret.

The many times you are forced to put your signature in places where you have no idea what you are signing, like the magnetic strip in doctor's offices.

The WAY you sign your name can create a security they use to pay off your loan, sell the note, and you still make the payments plus interest for 3-5 years.

The list can go on and on.

They created mechanisms for you to operate THEIR LEGAL ENTITY.

You consented to all this.
The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence...."consent of the governed".

You did it.

But they committed fraud by not disclosing the terms of all these contracts that waive your rights.

Follow me to freedom at https://Inalienable.University

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