Don’t Fall For The Happiness Trap

6 months ago

Yo fam, Coach Sam! If you’re like me, you struggle with a dark side of your being. A side of you that tries to drag you down and make you feel as if you’re not meant for great things, as if you’re not worthy of good things.

And we have been sold a lie that striving for happiness will fix that internal struggle we have battled with.

Unfortunately setting happiness as your ultimate goal in life may not be the best pursuit of your time and energy.

It is my personal belief that happiness is not an end goal, not a state in which we can obtain forever. It’s more like an emotion which comes and goes throughout life.

I believe, which is true for me personally, that continued progress in all areas of life no matter how small is how we stay motivated, excited and enjoying life!

We need to be progressing in some manner in life, if we are not, then we are regressing or being depressed downward. And that is when our shadow side tries to pull us deeper and deeper into the depths of deception and chaos.

Life is amazing and we should absolutely strive to enjoy as much of it as we can. But we cannot be ignorant to the fact that life is also inherently difficult and comes with many viscous experiences.

I believe it is in our best interest to build ourselves up, to always strive to improve and strengthen ourselves physically and mentally, in order to build resilience in the times when life is not joyful.

The physically healthier you are, the mentally healthier you will become and with that duo, you will find more enjoyment in life on your journey of progress.

Don’t forget the motto here:

Get Strong & Stay Strong!

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