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The Communist Origins of Public Education - Alex Newman

6 months ago

Public schools are not failing, but they’re doing exactly what their founders intended. The question is: What did they intend? Alex Newman is an investigative journalist, educator, and author, and he answers that question in this must-see episode of Freedom Alive. 


  • 0/2000
  • Another major player in the demolition of education was Alexander James Inglis. Here is this summarized purpose of public ed and a vid with more info. The Principles of Secondary Education: Alexander James Inglis (1918). 1. The Adjustive Function - Conditioning predictable reactions to authority. 2. The Conformity Function - developing unity in thoughts and habits. 3. The Diagnostic Function - Classification into the social structure 4. The Differentiation Function - Creation of barriers between the social strata. 5. The Selective Function - Identification of breeding/racial purity value. 6. The Propaedeutic Function - Grooming upper classes to manage lower classes. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qFbRE4zsunAU/

  • were can I find more info on John D. Rockefeller