Spiritual mobilization of Poland (Part 1) /For men/

2 months ago

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Dear Catholic men of Poland,
the situation in the world is critical in every way. As for world politics, gender ideology and other agendas with the aim of so-called depopulation are being promoted, and as for the Catholic Church, it was transformed into a New Age anti-church on 18 December 2023 by the doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans of pseudo-Pope Bergoglio. He excluded himself from the Catholic Church by multiple excommunications and God’s anathema for a false anti-gospel according to Gal 1:8-9.
The leadership of the Polish Episcopate must be commended for rejecting the heretical Fiducia supplicans (FS), which approves and blesses the unions of sodomites. The same recognition goes to the bishops of Africa, who unanimously rejected this so-called dogmatic document, which is the de facto funeral certificate of the Catholic Church! The fact that the Polish and African bishops – and some others with them – rejected the Fiducia supplicans does not yet mean the preservation of the true faith in the given territory. The emergency solution is to separate from Bergoglio’s heretical structure, including the entire dioceses and the entire nation. In another case, that is, if the Polish bishops continue to remain under the jurisdiction of the invalid Pope, he will gradually replace them with his followers. A few weeks ago, the entire leadership of the bishops’ conference was changed, and the question is whether the selection of these bishops was not already influenced by the apostate Vatican. As for the influence on the public, the canonization of the Polish priest, presided over by the representative of the so-called Holy Father, Cardinal Semeraro, is supposed to once again strengthen the influence of the apostate Vatican in Poland. The goal is to include the Polish nation in the betrayal of Jesus Christ and to bring the curse that rests on Bergoglio’s sect on Poland as well. Those Catholic bishops, priests and believers who have accepted Bergoglio’s sodomite anti-gospel have become apostates, that is, have fallen away from Jesus Christ. If they do not repent, they will be eternally condemned in hell. The transformation of the Catholic Church into a New Age anti-church has taken place covertly, so that most bishops and priests are not even aware of it.
What is the solution?
By rejecting the suicidal Fiducia supplicans, Poland and the entire Catholic Church in Africa have refused to betray Christ and the Gospel. But Bergoglio has not backed down and is pursuing in various ways the goal that all, including the Poles and Africans, will eventually be forced in stages to accept Fiducia supplicans and thus bring down God’s curse on their territories. If they do not take the second step, i.e. separate from the invalid Pope, but remain under his jurisdiction in virtue of false obedience, Bergoglio will gradually replace the true bishops and install sodomy supporters. There will then be no more hope of saving the Church, and those who wish to remain faithful to Christ and be saved will have no other choice but to exist as a catacomb Church. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, yet there will only be a small handful of true believers left and they will be persecuted both by the official church hierarchy with the spirit of Bergoglio and by the political system. They must be ready for a bloodless but also bloody martyrdom.
The former US nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, recently took part in a conference in Poland. Some time earlier, at another conference, he asked: “Is Bergoglio Catholic?” Would that such courageous and Christ-faithful bishops as Carlo Maria Viganò were also in Poland! They would open the way for the inner renewal of the Church and of the Polish nation. To Vigano’s question, every Catholic Christian must answer unequivocally: Bergoglio is no longer Catholic! Why? Because he has repeatedly excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church not only by heresies, but has committed outright apostasy and the ultimate crime of abusing his supreme authority to covertly transform the Church into a New Age antichurch with a sodomite anti-gospel. This happened on 18 December 2023 with the release of the doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans, which has already launched a public rebellion against God and God’s commandments.
Bergoglio had previously issued heretical documents in connection with the Amazon Synod. German Cardinal Brandmüller described them as not only apostasy but stupidity. They put paganism on an equal footing with Christianity, and Bergoglio even wants to revive the Christian liturgy, so to speak, with pagan rites through which demons work. This pseudo Pope personally participated in a ritual in the Vatican gardens with Amazonian wizards and witches and enthroned the Pachamama demon in the main basilica.
The culmination of Bergoglio’s betrayal of Christ was his public dedication to Satan in 2022 in Canada in a pagan ritual, assisted by a sorcerer whistling on a wild turkey bone. To claim, even after this public manifestation of apostasy, that Bergoglio is the visible representative of Christ on earth is outright blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. To submit to him is to betray the Gospel of Christ and embrace the sodomite anti-gospel that leads to eternal destruction. After 18 December 2023, all priests of Poland should consistently stop mentioning in Holy Mass the name of Bergoglio, an arch-heretic and Judas, who is not the Holy Father!
The ecclesiastical organization occupied by Bergoglio, even though it bears the name of the Catholic Church, is no longer the Catholic Church because the nature of the teaching has changed. The external structure of the Church still remains, but it already serves the antichristic pseudo-gospel promoting God-forbidden sodomy. Under the rule of the pseudo Pope dedicated to Satan, who denies sin and thus Christ’s atoning death on the cross for the sins of mankind, the essence of the Decalogue and the Creed has also been denied. This is what every Catholic in Poland needs to realize! The consequence that follows from this is absolutely clear: It is necessary for the faithful to join forces in a unanimous plea to their priests and bishops that they separate themselves from Bergoglio’s pseudo-Catholic Church headed by an invalid Pope dedicated to Satan. This saving separation from an apostate is no schism, nor any tearing of the Catholic Church. On the contrary, it is Bergoglio who broke away from the Gospel of Christ and from Catholic teaching, from Holy Scripture and the entire Tradition. It officially happened on 18 December 2023.
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, took on human nature and a few moments before His death on the cross gave us His Mother as His last will and testament. Each of us should therefore receive her with the same faith as John by the cross. An army of God’s warriors is to rise under her banner, as St Maximilian Kolbe emphasized. She crushes the head of the infernal serpent, she is Immaculate, she is our Mother. In this spiritual mobilization, you need to set aside time for God and your soul. In the name of Jesus, we have power to cast out demons and trample on serpents without them harming us. The Immaculate Virgin casts out demons; she crushes the head of these proud spirits who have rebelled against God and His Gospel. In this time of spiritual struggle, every Catholic family should be a domestic church that unites not in front of the television or the Internet, but in prayer at the holy hour, at a fixed time from 8 to 9pm. At 9pm, many priests give a blessing especially to those who prayed.
In addition to this hour of family prayer, prayer watches should also be established. (The requirement for continuous prayer is given in Lk 18:1 and 1Thes 5:17.) The day will be divided among 23 God’s warriors, each of them having their own hour. The holy hour from 8 to 9pm is shared by all. What they are to pray is not specified, but praying the Rosary is recommended. In order for the whole nation to pray continuously and in unison, it is advisable that 4 prayer watch groups should be created in the parishes, taking turns in such a way that they are always on duty for one week and off for three weeks. 23 × 4 = 92 people. This is the result of several years of tried and tested practice. A four-level battle unit can be formed by Catholic men in each parish. Let the priests appoint activists for their parish who will establish these four prayer guards and thus achieve continuous prayer. The parish will thus pray continuously for Poland.
There can be prayer watches especially among students in every university, or possibly in every school. One member of the prayer group of 23 men should be in charge of the prayer watches. The change of the prayer guards takes place every week at midnight from Sunday to Monday; one guard ends and the other begins at the same time. It is necessary that pensioners help cover the hours during the day that are not convenient for employed men or students. So, as has been said, each warrior is on guard for a week and then has three weeks off. During the three weeks off, it is recommended that small groups of 4-7 men meet once a week for prayer at a time that suits them and pray for two hours. In this way they will form a fraternal community after the model of the early Christians (Acts 2:42).
Fatima Saturday is also part of the spiritual mobilization. It would be good for men to devote the first Saturday of the month to prayer, God’s word and fellowship. They can meet on that day in smaller groups of four to seven men, or in a larger group. Ideally, the whole prayer watch group of 23 men should gather on this Fatima Saturday. They can meet in a suitable place, for example, using the school building. The men should spend at least three hours of this penitential Fatima Saturday in prayer and singing. It is even better if they pray for a total of four hours. After prayers, they can talk about problems and testify how God miraculously answered their prayers or intervened in a moment of crisis. God will then give light and mutual encouragement from this prayer and from this time together. Based on experience, we start at 9am and end at about 5pm. The men can take food with them, or they can fast until dinner.
Let us conclude with some additional information about the prayer watches. What should each member of the prayer group pray during his prayer watch hour? They can pray the Rosary or other traditional Catholic prayers. But it must be remembered that Jesus fought His hardest battle on the cross, where He conquered the devil and sin. In interior prayer, we can unite to Him in this spiritual struggle by faith and make it present. For this purpose, we offer the seven words of Jesus on the cross as a form of interior prayer for God’s warriors. If someone starts praying it, let him not give up after the first try, but try praying it for a whole week. Then, when he sees that he is not ripe or disposed for it, let him pray the kind of prayers he is used to.
We attach an explanation and specific instructions for this interior prayer for the men of Poland. The positions of prayer as well as a certain rhythm are intended to help fight distraction and enter into deep union with Christ crucified for us. Through His struggle on the cross, Jesus conquered Satan and the power of sin.
Dear men of Poland, now is a time of spiritual struggle, a time of spiritual mobilization of the Polish nation! May Poland become an example of spiritual awakening for all nations!
In Christ,

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

28 June 2024

Attachment: The Seven Words of Christ on the Cross

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