InMoov i2Head Build Part 6

6 months ago

In Part 6, We setup the Raspberry Pi 5 to run the servos using MyRobotLab (MRL)

In part 1, We assembled the head's base, upper teeth, Upper lip servo and check puller servos.
In Part 2, We assembled the Left eye.
In Part 3, We assembled the Jaw Assembly.
In part 4, We assembled the forehead assembly.
In Part 5, We connect the servo wires to the PCA9685 and fit the skull in place.

Parts used:
Raspberry Pi 5

But I do have the list of what servo I connected to what pin.
0: Jaw servo
1:: Upper lip
2: Cheek Right
3: Cheek Left Inverted
4: Right Eye Up/Down
5: Right Eye Left/Right
6: Left Eye Up/Down Inverted
7: Left Eye Left/Right Inverted
8: Eyelid Right Upper
9: Eyelid Right Lower Inverted
10: Eyelid Left Upper Inverted
11: Eyelid Left Lower
12: Eyebrow Right
13: Eyebrow Left Inverted
14: Forehead Right
15: Forehead Left Inverted

Link to the InMoov Website for constructing the i2Head.

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