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H.I.F. Biber - Arminio - Act II - All'armi, a' battaglie, ai cimenti
Herbert von Karajan - Beethoven 7th / Wagner Die Meistersinger - Staatskapelle Berlin 1939-1941

H.I.F. Biber - Arminio - Act II - All'armi, a' battaglie, ai cimenti

1 month ago

Arminio is a "Dramma musicale" about the story of the Germanic military hero Arminius who defeated the Romans at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest and his wife Thusnelda (Segesta) who is taken prisoner by Germanicus. It is one of the oldest operas made in Germany. If you like this I'll post the whole thing but this is one of my favorite songs and its mostly unknown and not very popular. A few other composers remade this but the original is by far the best if you look for it.The fags and jews who run the opera world today aren't fond of operas about Germanic leaders warring with Rome but I am. I'll get you guys who are used to hearing the gay opera popular today to forget about all that and listen to opera where the men singing can have some testosterone flowing while playing the best warriors and heroes in our history. You can't sing like a fag while pretending to be Arminius, Leonidas or Charles Martel. Even the operas done today were performed much differently 200 years ago. My grandparents were taught Western music, western literature and western art in school all different classes. There is no classical music at all in schools today. What is supposed to be teaching western classical music instead is taught by a lgbt and its subject matter is exclusively jewish broadway musicals which are not western classical music and even where musical instruments are taught they teach them how to play the same musicals. No normal kid wants anything to do with those classes because they are always full of lgbt, perverts,two troons, a fag, a fat feminist and a tap dancing nig nog.

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