Why Fiber is an Important Detox Tool for Carnivores (Can't Detoxify Your Body Without Fiber!) [2024]

6 months ago

Did you know fiber is a great detox tool?

Without Fiber your body will reabsorb toxic bile back into your body which means a broken detox loop.

Fiber works by soaking up the bile in your gut to be pooped out. This bile is what carries the toxic stuff your
body wants to get out of you.

Like Plastics, Glyphosate, Mold, Yeast, Bacteria, Oxalates, Gluten, Lead, Copper, Arsenic, Mercury, Aluminum.

Without Fiber, most of these toxic things will stay inside your body which may be the reason you are sick.

There are two types of Fibers I recommend.

1. Psyllium Husk - For Carnivores, Meat-based, and people who don't poop often.
- 1 or 2 Teaspoons to prevent constipation

2. Sun Fiber (Partially Hydrated Guar Gum) - For plant-based people or those who do not get constipated.
- 1 or 2 Teaspoons to prevent constipation

Don't do a Green Juice / Smoothie cleanse because its full of toxic Oxalates that will cause Kidney and Gallbladders stones. It does nothing to help your body detox.

Detoxing helps Carnivores feel great and becomes necessary because we live in a toxic world and need to help the body detox more efficiently.

For more information you can talk to Gabe the Nutritionist and make an appointment with him.


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