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Mike King & Patriot Underground: WW3 Scare Event Situation Trump 45 Update Operation Stock Market Crash!

6 months ago

Mike King & Patriot Underground: WW3 Scare Event Situation Trump 45 Update Operation Stock Market Crash!


  • 0/2000
  • Stop the 2024 election steal !!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We gotta “get it all”, and We gotta “catch ‘em all” - Just like we did in 2020 👍👍👍👍 Release the Kraken !!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hahahahahahahahaha

  • Sure is taking a hella long time to crash this cancerous market. Maybe by 2525 AD.

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  • Economics is NOT a science. You cannot have a “science” based on the voodoo economics of the Federal Reserve - which is NOT “federal”.

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  • If these guys think people are gonna abandon the Q ship - just wait until Kamal Aroush wins ANOTHER rigged election. Even the most steadfast Q believers will be done if KA wins in a rigged election ….. That may be THE END of Q. They better really think about THAT outcome.

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  • Just what is “the big thing” that’s gonna happen ??? I’ll believe it, when I see 👀 it.

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  • I also believe that they will install Killary Patriot.

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  • Always great information,it is so great, thanks to social media, we can get the truth now versus back when it was only the communist TV News,I really appreciate all you guys are doing for our Republic and us, to find the truth and relay it to us, don't pay no attention to the stupid dumb ass trolls,they are everywhere, idiots have nothing better to do, they will have to answer to God one day, for supporting the evil side

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  • About Bitcoin, I’m surprised that you guys didn’t think of the fact that The white Hats are confiscating everything the convicted have including Bitcoin which we have been told was used to money launder so that’s why he said we’re going to have 100% of it!!!!

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  • a yellow flag display on a ship is a sign of caution and indicates that the vessel is in distress

  • I said right then when it was happening with Trump being "nicked" that it was staged. No one believed me and still don't.

  • Something to ponder . . . . IF the white hats have a masked fake Biden in the White House, what are the black hats thinking that is? Wouldn't they take his mask off and see who it really is? How could the black hats allow a fake masked Biden do what he did for 4 years?

  • once it's all wiped out nice

  • how can they pull off the shoe when everyone has camera though? and can just go live ?

  • Good God foolish talk