Your Mortgage Is A Fraud

1 month ago

My Mortgage Fraud Series continues......

The bank does not take title to your property.

The note is the debt.
The mortgage is the contract.

The full terms of the agreement were not given to you.
That also makes it a contract of fraud.

So, let's say you're late on a payment.
Hey it happens.

They send you a notice, PAY UP OR WE'RE TAKING IT!
And you are scared and in tough times, so you don't answer.

You're just trying so hard to get the payment together.

You not responding, is also you acquiescing to their accusation, that they have no right to make!

That's called "course of performance".

The attorney turds know this term but they never speak of it.

They don't want YOU to know that you can and should do this.

You have a right to an evidentiary rebuttal as to why they make the claim they can sell your home, but you don't know this, so you don't demand it.

Your silence is also your agreement to what they are saying.

But, my works both ways!

When you call them out on the fraud, they have to prove they own it to sell it!

Hence why I call my profile "Legal Fockery".

They have no jurisdiction!!
Always challenge jurisdiction in every presentment.

Watch this video. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Scott is an EXPERT in domestic and commercial banking and has a law degree.

We do not help those already in foreclosure.

We offer a preemptive service to forensically audit your loans (any loan) and it it was sold, you are no longer obligated, as per the law.

See what we do inside http://Inalienable.University

This is the Constitutional education the country is starving for.

This is not for the weak and meek.
They will never hand you your rights.

You have to desire to become educated and we make it super easy.

You demand them.
When you stand they fall.

Follow me to freedom.

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