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Sonya Massey Is a PAWN

6 months ago


  • 0/2000
  • "Most" unarmed civilians killed by police are white, but that isn't useful because most of the population is white (it's something like 60% or 70% depending on how you define "white"). Unarmed blacks are killed by police at a higher rate than you would expect based on the black population size. I think it's something like 35% of the deaths are black, where that's much greater than the 13% of the population that is black. The activists claim that this disparity proves police racism. The flaw in activist reasoning is how they assume police face the same threat from the white and black populations. Unfortunately, measuring the threat from these populations is ripe for BS artist academics to cook the books in support of a preferred narrative from universities: Police are racist. To cut through the BS, I suggest looking up the feloniously killed police statistics: https://ucr.fbi.gov/leoka/2019/tables/table-42.xls. According to that (somewhat stale) data, 303/537*100% = 56% of cop killers were white and 199/537*100% = 37% of cop killers were black. Last time I checked (based on the Washington Post's dataset of cops killing unarmed suspects), blacks were slightly underrepresented in unarmed deaths in comparison to the threat that they pose to police. It looks like the gap grew a little in 2019 based on my vague recollection from doing the math earlier, but I could be mistaken. After stripping the activists of their "police are racist" claim, the good faith activists must retreat to the "systemic racism" claim. Under this framework, blacks pose a higher risk to police because police (and other institutions) were racist. Making this argument requires conceding all sorts of hate facts about today's black population. With the free pass that the activist BS gets everywhere, the activists quickly bail out of any grown up conversations that reach this point. Most can't even define "systemic racism." Read Joe Feagin's "Racist America" if you want to argue for the activists.

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  • the cop was demon possessed. no one can convince me otherwise

  • First off man, the left aka dummycrats do this shit every big election Year. also the videos that you've shown, you missed the purple gorilla in the room, which is all that cop killing whites are in libturd left cities and states. in addition it's the media that hide this stuff. I knew you wouldn't research the cop but I did 1 cop has been with 6 different agencies in four years. 2. the cop has 2 duis man you can't be under driver with that shit. another thing you missed knight whites getting killed by cops is higher than blacks getting killed by cops. you're kind of preaching a divide knight. the problem is police has been hit with budget cuts, which adds up to poorly trained cops to hiring idiot cops like that fucker that shot massey. back in the 90s if the cop did that he definitely would have got the tune up after the booking by good cops

  • there are good and bad in every group. gotta stop dividing into groups. we're all the same.

  • They want summer of love 2.0