Musically Inclined Dog Loves Showing His Singing Talent

5 years ago

A dog and his girl owner are caught on camera putting on a classical performance that is hard to ignore. The video begins with the girl sitting at the piano, while Freddie the Dalmatian is perched on the piano keys with his front paws. As soon as the chords are struck, the dog lifts his head up to signalize that he is all in for the singing concert. He starts crooning at the beginning and a handful of chords later, Freddie lets loose an emotional whine, turning his head a little on the left towards the camera.

As the girl continues throwing down the classical chords, the dog alternates between perfectly harmonized and synchronized howls and whines, puffing his cheeks out with his effort. And when the high notes are hit with a distinctive staccato movements, the dog follows suit and gives the most original vocal shred to blend in with the melody.
The dog caps off his performance by raising his head up to the ceiling and letting rip a heartfelt howl.

Freddie loves to sing along with his human friend. We believe that he is going to capture the heart of many music fans around the world web in a very short time. He just loves entertaining his family and fans! This canine has an incredible sense of pitch. He feels like he is engaging in the most important concert of all times. We are wondering what would Pavarotti think of the dog’s singing if he were alive?

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