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Ammo Shortage Conundrum

7 months ago

Randy talks about some of the reasons he and others feel there is not only a shortage of reloading components, but the end result is more people feel they have no choice but to use factory ammo.
Can you get good accuracy? Yes. Great, precise accuracy, seldom. You are getting a generic load that will work very well in some rifles and will give less than acceptable performance in other rifles.
While it is a multifaceted conundrum, the end result is still a shortage of components.
Our shop is first and foremost an accuracy shop. Randy’s focus is, as a result, on top components to use to work up the best accuracy for each rifle. He used to have a wide array of components to choose from, but the selection is drying up and causes issues in trying to find what is needed.
We know of sporting goods stores, for instance, that have had orders with Nosler for handloading components for over two years, with not even an iota of those orders being fulfilled.
The scarcity issue is not helped by people that order from places, via alerts when product comes in, and buy up many, many more times what they need to hoard. Great for them, but most of us don’t have the time, nor the large amounts of capital to buy up pallets and pallets of components to hoard.
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