Are You One Of The Slave Monkeys?

2 months ago

Hey Dopey Broad
are you an FBI plant trying to keep people enslaved, and that's why you work to actively prevent people from standing upon their GOD given rights?

Is that why you claim the US Code is superior to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights?

Is that why you teach people to BEND OVER and stand under the statutes made by man using the 14th Amendment, which was made after the transformation of the Republic to a corporation, that created mechanisms to literally circumvent our God given rights?

Shall we go for round two today?
Because my post to you was shared 80 times so far.
You're great for my algorithm.
Thanks babe.

For any people who take offense and my calling another woman a "dopey broad" well if the shoe fits.....

ANYONE who works to prevent FREEDOM is an ENEMY.

Anyone and everyone who tries to prevent your God given rights IS YOUR ENEMY and that's what Melody's false information does.

This country was founded upon the very principles Melody is using to earn credibility in her life and feed the CABAL (child traffickers) so she is either too dopey to understand or she works for them.

There is no middle ground.

How is it I have unwavering F-you confidence?

Because I've been challenged and had the courage to stand and won using the exact information I share, and I've won ten times now using the standing that Melody says doesn't exist.

I have to laugh.

I wish I could find more trouble to be in to stand up to the so called government, but now that I'm out of the matrix, I have no trouble. LOL

When I won this battle with the Panhandle TX police, this was LONG BEFORE I met Scott.

I had a little education and I stood up to a 28 year old bitch of the century policy revenue officer at the window of my rented car, after I just left a freedom class, and was on my way to the airport who put her hand on her gun three times during this stop just because a middle aged broad alone in a car refused to give her my papers.

And how did I stand?

As a free foreign national, free from the jurisdiction of the United States government, from which all government corporations fall under.

No corporation has jurisdiction over me.
No corporation has jurisdiction over YOU, if you learn how to stand.

Read about it here.

The judge phoned me because I returned their first envelope because they sent it to my home address using a zip code which I don't use, so as to not put myself into Federal jurisdiction. (Scott says this doesn't matter but I choose never to use a zip code at my home)

Since the judge did not say, "Hi this is Judge Rusk, may I speak to Gianna?", which really pisses me off, not only did I scold her for her lack of phone manners, but I scolded her for not using the address on my paper, which was my mailing address.

Don't send shit to my home. It won't be accepted.
After I hung up the phone, I laughed.

I just told off a "judge" and she bowed down to me.
"Ok Gianna, I'm so sorry. We'll resend it."

She's just a bank teller (court administrator) trying to PILFER MY POCKET OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY under the guise of my breaking a code, so she gets no respect from me for her chosen profession.

How dare I go ten mph over their designated speed on a totally empty back road that leads to the airport where not a single living man or woman suffered injury.

No victim = no crime dopey broads.

All dopey broads.
The judge.
The cop.

Her chosen profession is to use mechanisms that circumvent my God given rights.

My victory meant that I no longer was one of the five monkeys, because I have CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.

There are people SO JEALOUS that I have this skill that they actually say I got this ticket dismissed because the court found it too much of a HASSLE to go after me.

Oh please.
They have the process on automation.
They exist to get the money from the monkeys.

They had the power to revoke my license which I no longer hold and if you read the post, they bowed to ME.

I have no state ID.

I own all my property in allodial title meaning the state can't SEE IT to take it.

That's freedom.

Become invisible to the invisible man as Scott likes to say.

The so called "state nationals" you referred to on the RAV appearance yesterday are literal criminals.

David Straight is not free.
He holds an Oregon driver's license.
He's on the run from warrants in Johnson County TX and the FBI.

Bonnie Straight is not free. She is literally in prison for daring to carry a .22 gun and breaking an contract with Johnson County TX.

Bobby Lawrence is not free. He holds a PA driver's license. He holds a mortgage. He is not free. He's never stood a day in his life despite holding classes alleging how to do it.

Sherry Noeller, David's unpaid assistant, is calling people as of YESTERDAY, crying that David dumped her and she is broke. She is not free. She holds a driver's license because she collects welfare.

I could go through the list of all the so called freedom people and ask every single one of them.....HAVE YOU EVER STOOD UP TO A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE?

Show me your standing.

Show me where you stood up to a government agency and won.

Show me how you even know what your rights are to stand upon them.

Because Scott and I have and our lives prove the rhetoric you spewed on Real America's Voice yesterday IS CATEGORICALLY FALSE.

When the United States became a corporation and commercialized the people, they ceased being a Republic.

NOBODY votes.
LEGAL ENTITIES have no rights.

So while it's honorable you're spending your time on election integrity, the ROOT CAUSE of what you're trying to fix, is the very battle that I have taken on, which is to set people free of the system of mechanisms the state created to circumvent our INALIENABLE RIGHTS.

So no, I will never be a US citizen slave until the CORPORATION of the Federal government ceases to be the slave factory as it stands today.

Follow me to freedom.

Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.

Purchase Gianna's book:

Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University

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