Campaign Grand Jury Case Updates

7 months ago

Webb to Beyer: “Did Ya Ever Wonder Why No Prosecutors Issue Any Press Statements to Claim My Cases to Compel Grand Juries Are Baseless?”

[FOB FREEDOM, July 23, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

According to the X character in Oliver Stone’s JFK, ultimately, Americans are suckers for the truth, the one thing that Jim Garrison had on his side, but at least one propaganda minister during the Third Reich was convinced that if you repeat a lie enough times the people will actually believe, one reason why car salesmen love to tell suckers—we mean customers, “You look like an intelligent person.” And, when some unidentified lady sneaked past Secret Service and looked the President in the eye to demand that he tell her the truth, the once confident for reelection former Democrat nominee told the American people that finding the light in the darkness was probably one of the most American things we do. Yet, since 2016, voters in VA8 who were convinced, during the first impeachment proceedings of former President Donald Trump, that two-thirds, of Americans know that quid pro quo means “bribe”, which it actually does not, being a Latin phrase, translated as “this for that”, and is only one element of proof to convert an illegal gratuity to a bribe under the federal criminal statute, have yet to notice that their elected legislator in Washington appears to have been instrumental in offering a bribe job offer to one of his former opponents. Perhaps, justice really is blind. And that case has been on appeal at the State Supreme Court since weeks before the June primary elections, unreported in the press.

But surprisingly, given the support of parents of kids in public schools for permitting students to use the restrooms of their choice, participate in the extracurricular sports activities outside their biologically determined sex, preferences for personal pronouns and even don attire outside their gender, not even one parent brought a case when in-person instruction for the second-best public school division in the entire state, and home of the most government scientists—most educated, by credential voters in Virginia—had been closed to in-person instruction, nor did any one of these parents who read labels on food bother to request a copy of the reopening plan to ensure the safety of their offspring in free public schools that are not exactly a ticket to the Ivy Leagues for those who are even qualified after graduation to attend a college. And that case, too, quickly and quietly dismissed, is on appeal to the State Supreme Court to attempt to compel a grand jury, but both cases have not even yet found a request for reply briefs, avoiding any upset of Democrat victories for reelection, apparently.

And, although their banner says “democracy dies in darkness”, the Watergate investigative journalism team is being silent on this third rate burglary, an action naming them as lead defendant, and, perhaps ripe for a default judgment.

. Our elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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