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15 seconds

15 seconds

Why "Father" Williamson but "Archbishop" ViganĂ²? One-hand ordination? Annulment and adultery. Saving Trump.

6 months ago

Fr Jenkins "inconsistency" in referring to Fr Williamson, Fr Sanborn and Archbishop ViganĂ². One-hand ordinations. Legalism? Validity of sacraments is paramount. Our trip to Munich. Where to get a marriage annulment? N.O. annulments and adultery. Trump's deliverance: multiple shooters? Woman with the phone camera? DEI - programmed disaster. Pray the Rosary!

This episode was recorded on 7/23/24


  • 0/2000
  • Council of Trent: The Council of Trent (1545-1563) defined the essential nature of the imposition of hands for ordination but did not specify that two hands must be used for the sacrament to be valid.

  • There is nothing to worry about. This is a nothing burger. Father Hesse explains it here at 10 minutes and 40 seconds. If someone is invalidly ordained a priest and then consecrated a bishop he receives the priesthood. There is nothing to worry or panic about: https://youtu.be/Ur1OlGrTU7s?si=3I5az5IY_bVUw8WI

  • You have got to be kidding me. I appreciate most of your broadcasts, but once again you are in no position to cast any doubts on the validity of sacraments. This is especially true in the case of +Williamson because you were not there. Even if you were there, you lack authority and jurisdiction to make a declaration. Frankly, it's pathetic that you're basing this view on heresay.