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Jack Black's LOVE for Joe Biden Destroys His Career (but SAVES Video Games)

6 months ago

Jack Black is facing backlash and cancellation after making controversial statements that led to the cancellation of his music tour. This video delves into how celebrities like Jack Black have negatively impacted American entertainment by bringing politics into the spotlight and showcasing elitist attitudes that disconnect them from the general public. With Hollywood's declining interest and talent in movies, there is a growing hunger for new forms of entertainment. We explore the rise of virtual entertainment and the increasing popularity of video games as a more inclusive form of entertainment. Join us as we guide you through the basics of enjoying video games and virtual entertainment, offering a fresh perspective beyond traditional movies and television.

0:00 Jack Black Under the VR Gun Scope (Movies are DEAD)
6:08 My commentary & why video games are for you
9:10 The VR News that really matters
10:54 Why I don't accept Jack Black's apology
12:33 Save American Entertainment & American Values w/ Video Games

News Story Links:

Tenacious D Cancels Tour After On-Stage Trump Joke | 10 News First

'Make America Rage Again:' Jack Black On 'Rocking' Trump Out Of Office | The Beat With Ari Melber

#JackBlack #movies #videogames

My content is done cinematic & with some HYPE to make bringing you the virtual entertainment you need to escape "Well, let's just say it - reality!" more FUN - this is the BEST VR Promotional Content in the WORLD.

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