Here’s How Kamala Harris Performs In Polls Against Trump—As Biden Drops Out And Endorses Harris?

2 months ago

Kamala Harris is the most likely replacement for President Joe Biden, who dropped his 2024 presidential bid and endorsed Harris Sunday—and she is performing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls with Trump.

Some polls show Harris would perform better in a hypothetical matchup against Trump than Biden does, though other recent polls show her on equal footing with Biden or polling behind him.

Harris’ relatively low approval rating (38.6%, according to Five Thirty Eight’s latest polling average) is a concern for Democrats if she were to replace Biden, though the numbers are partly a reflection of the president, whose approval rating is roughly similar.

Her approval ratings are also higher than Biden’s among Black and Hispanic voters, two key demographics Biden has lost support among since his 2020 campaign.

As vice president, Harris has frequently spoken about abortion rights and reportedly pushed the Biden administration to highlight the issue, a potential advantage as abortion is seen as a political liability for Republicans since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

However, at some points during her tenure, Harris has been accused of being absent from the public stage and she’s been hit with some critical reviews of her job performance, including a cutting October New York Times profile that declared “the vice president is still struggling to make the case for herself” and a 2021 CNN story that revealed tension between the White House and Harris’ office.

During a trip to Guatemala just six months into her tenure, when she was tasked with handling immigration, she angered progressives by telling Guatemalans “do not come” to the U.S., then sparked even more backlash when she told NBC’s Lester Holt when asked why she hadn’t visited the U.S. border “and I haven’t been to Europe, I don’t understand the point you’re making.”

Weeks later, when her first border visit was announced, it blindsided her staff, according to Politico, which reported—citing an unnamed staffer—the communication lapse was reflective of a dysfunctional and “abusive” environment, with a high turnover rate and top-down mentality in which staffers’ ideas were often dismissed (Harris’ spokesperson firmly pushed back on the characterization in response to Politico).

Harris’ campaign for president in 2020, when she was serving as a California senator, underperformed expectations, and she was forced to end her bid before primary voting even began after struggling to reverse her low polling numbers and shore up financial support, with a 2019 Times article documenting a series of strategic missteps and staffing problems.

Harris has also faced a barrage of criticism from the left about her decades-long career as a prosecutor (she served as San Francisco District Attorney from 2004-2010 then as California Attorney General from 2011-2017), including that she didn’t do enough to investigate police misconduct and that she oversaw nearly 2,000 convictions for marijuana-related offenses during her time as AG.

Harris could seamlessly take over Biden’s campaign cash, since she’s already on the ticket, allowing Democrats to avoid a complex process of transferring the funds to another candidate.

Some Democrats believe public perceptions of Harris have shifted in recent years as she has honed her approach to the vice presidency and avoided repeating some early missteps, The Washington Post reported Saturday. “You see her becoming more comfortable with being a vice president,” former South Carolina state lawmaker Bakari Sellers told the Post.

Harris’ views on criminal justice seem to have evolved since her time as a prosecutor. She backed drug decriminalization legislation during her time in the Senate and she declared “nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed” when Biden pardoned thousands of people convicted of federal marijuana possession in 2022, a phrase she has since repeated in discussing the topic. While she wrote in her 2009 book, “Smart on Crime,” that she would endorse having more officers on the street, she told The New York Times in 2020, in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd “it is status-quo thinking to believe that putting more police on the streets creates more safety . . .it’s just wrong.”

Harris performed better against Trump than than six other potential Biden replacements in a CNN/SSRS survey several weeks ago that showed her trailing Trump by two points, compared to Biden’s six-point deficit. Trump led Harris and all six other potential picks CNN/SSRS asked about, including both Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and California Gov. Gavin Newsom by five points. Harris, whose mother is Indian-American and whose father is Jamaican-American, could help Biden shore up support with Black and Hispanic voters, two groups he has lost support among since 2020, according to polls. More Black voters, 67%, view Harris favorably, according to a June Politico/Morning Consult poll, than Biden (63%), while slightly more Hispanic voters viewed her more favorably than Biden.

Harris’ defenders have attributed her public perception problem to sexism, racism and bad press. Sen. Laphonza Butler, D-Calif., a former Harris adviser, told The Times in October Democrats who doubt Harris need to “cut the bulls–t,” calling the criticism “disrespectful.” Butler added: “The thing that makes it more disrespectful is that we’re talking about a historic V.P. who has been a high-quality partner and asset to the country at a time when everything is at stake. Right now is the time to respect what she’s done and what she brings.” Following the string of unflattering reports about dysfunction within her office and her rhetorical missteps in Guatemala, coupled with declining approval ratings and observations she had had kept a noticeably low profile, the White House in November 2021 publicly defended Harris in a statement. Harris “ is not only a vital partner to @POTUS but a bold leader who has taken on key, important challenges facing the country—from voting rights to addressing root causes of migration to expanding broadband,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

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