Shit Show

8 months ago

(Written by Ben Antoniadis)

The world getting smaller each day
People drifting further away
From each other and all they knew
Fading from view

The world spinning faster each day
People getting lazier, insane
A malaise of monkeys with their screens
Strung out on apathy

But something’s gotta give
Yeah, people forgot how to live
Did they ever know?
Well, I tell ya’, babe
It’s a shit show today

You can feel the fever rising
And the tempers flare
A cacophony of voices
Polluting the air

Some want the comfortable lie
And others, uncomfortable truth
Some just waiting to die
Without a clue

But something’s gotta give
Yeah, people forgot how to live
Did they ever know?
Well, I tell ya’, babe
It’s a shit show today

Living in the age of outrage
Where the woke perpetually offended
Though they don’t seem to mind
The silent democide

The world getting madder each day
Delusion on the airwaves
Though the lie only lasts so long
Before truth wins in the end

Yeah, we gotta get back somewhere
No longer devil may care
Remember where we belong
But until then, babe
It’s a shit show today

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