Will Cardinal Müller be the next invalid Pope?

6 months ago

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On 14 July 2024, Cardinal Müller compromised himself by publicly declaring the manifest heretic Jorge Bergoglio to be the legitimate Pope. Bergoglio incurs multiple latae sententiae excommunication and God’s most severe punishment of anathema according to Gal 1:8, i.e. exclusion even from the Mystical Body of Christ. With the sodomite anti-gospel, he brought the curse upon himself and his followers.
On 1 July, Cardinal Müller was elevated in ecclesiastical rank by the apostate Bergoglio.
The current state of affairs is such that Bergoglio’s Deep Church is already compromised. It therefore needs to re-present itself as if it were the true Catholic Church. The Freemasons would be most helped by a strategic move of having, so to speak, a “true Pope” succeed Jorge Bergoglio. Cardinal Müller would be their most suitable candidate. He is recognized by both traditionalists and liberals. With his reputation as an orthodox Catholic, he would disarm the opponents of Bergoglio’s heresies and the sodomite anti-gospel. However, he would not carry out the absolutely necessary saving operation of the Catholic Church. He would only stand at the head of Bergoglio’s anti-church under the heading of “Catholic Church”.
Bergoglio, who publicly dedicated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022 and transformed the Catholic Church into a New Age anti-church on 18 December 2023 through Fiducia supplicans, has accomplished his task. Cardinal Müller as Pope would only confirm this disastrous state of affairs.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

18 July 2024

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