TheDimNews LIVE! Trump Assassination Attempt

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 10:30 ET! Note that we're streaming an hour later than normal!


JQuickDraw Supporter But what is the start time in local sidereal time?

MudderFetcher this the stream with that twitter dude who hates Conservativeness and love Tenacious D?

MudderFetcher I bet the other one doesn't even understand timezones

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

thrasybulus Are timezones anything but the consequence of humans being able to travel too far, too fast?

MudderFetcher timezones are clearly tools of the patriarchy meant to keep women oppressed, barefoot and pregnant

MudderFetcher that's why the women in Arizona are such radical feminists who love Tenacious D = no daylight savings to keep them in check

RonGreen1 When Beverly is president she will be guarded by a flock of secret geese.

RonGreen1 Bullet proof earmuffs are no longer just a fashion accessory.

thrasybulus I support @MurderGoose2028 in her agenda to create the department of polar bear preservation. She will transfer all other departments excess employees to Alaska to handfeed tofu to vegan polar bears.

MudderFetcher premature Snortgasm?

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, don't joke about such a serious topic.

thrasybulus @DefinitelyTheGrassyKnollShooter Nothing's changed, I've always hated you.

MudderFetcher The Pick of Destiny is the movie I think

JQuickDraw Supporter Oooh, I thought you were talking about some dude named Kyle's ass.

thrasybulus "My friend Wednesday in HS" and her brother Pugsley...

JQuickDraw Supporter And their strange uncle.

JQuickDraw Supporter Tenacious D are not a serious band? Really? Now the Stones, I know they're a joke.

JQuickDraw Supporter So, the last few years, topics such as cannibalism, dead babies, ending the government, and probably even worse, have been discussed on here. But the thing that finally gets to Beverly is time zones.

thrasybulus Everything will now be run on ZULU time. Blame the Greenwich Observatory.

MudderFetcher I always Manspread while I Mansplain

RonGreen1 We should have night saving time, so we can sleep longer.

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher You should also eat a Manwich at the same time.

MudderFetcher will do

RonGreen1 "The roof? You can't handle the roof!" - Jack Nicholson

thrasybulus @RonGreen1 I find it funny that people don't realize that Tom Cruise is one of the antagonists in that movie.

thrasybulus Cat scratch fever...

Qriist Supporter The fact that Lemograb can't aim makes him a suspect in the Trump assassination attempt. I suspect he was honking from the grassy knoll. #glowieGoose

thrasybulus Cats are never fully asleep like people can be. It's a survival mechanism.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well since the Kyle Gass incident, maybe it was a gassy knoll. Just sayin

Qriist Supporter Also, Rumble hasn't been letting me superchat recently. Very annoying.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Are you a vegan?" Beverly: "that depends. Do people count?"

RonGreen1 The best video from Saturday is the tractor that got shot.🤣

Qriist Supporter Beverly, you gotta check out Hufu

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw What happens on the lifeboat stays on the lifeboat.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, I think as long as you only eat vegans, you can also claim to be vegan.

Qriist Supporter I remember hearing about Hufu when it came out. I just remembered thanks to this conversation.

Qriist Supporter yes they actually asked him to apologize for being shot

JQuickDraw Supporter Also, he's crushing Biden in the polls. He doesn't need a bump.

RonGreen1 The Bee said Trump will be indicted for interfering in a government assassination.😂

thrasybulus MOA on an AR platform is generally 1 inch or less per 100 yards.

JQuickDraw Supporter People said because Trump was in a few WWE shows, he would know how to cut himself and act hurt.

thrasybulus Blood packet? Seriously with all the cameras from all the angles these days.

thrasybulus Hold them to the Alex Jones standard in court please.

JQuickDraw Supporter Actually, the wife of the slain firefighter has a real case against the people claiming it's staged.

thrasybulus If it were a blood packet I promise that some blood spatter expert would have spotted it by now.

MudderFetcher um...they are called Battleboxes

JQuickDraw Supporter Lefties suffering from TDS think it has to be staged because they only see Trump as evil, so they can't even fathom how he would be brave and strong.

Qriist Supporter I've heard Maricopa had the free-est and fairest and votingest election back in 2020. The people who won told me that.

MudderFetcher Trump's tiny hands makes him a fantastic up-close magician

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the polls are so skewed for Trump, they could not cheat without making it too obvious. Also, the left might be thinking it's easier to begin planning for 2028 than worry about the Biden issue.

MudderFetcher he had a vest on...basically always does in public

Qriist Supporter you get more points for headshots because it's a harder shot

JQuickDraw Supporter He might have been a great shot. Remember, a cop distracted him climbing onto the roof. The shooter may have been flustered and worried that his time was running out, so he turned and rushed the shot.

RonGreen1 That midget secret service woman trying to protect Trump was real life comedy. 😂

JQuickDraw Supporter She wasn't a midget, just a statistically normal sized woman.

Qriist Supporter aka midget

JQuickDraw Supporter lol

JQuickDraw Supporter A ladies' man, I see

MudderFetcher I can stream most of the outside word far far away from those filthy other people

Qriist Supporter I'm sorry for trying to run over your chickens but I ask you to please remember the pecking order before you make demands.

MudderFetcher you better have links in your profile to your books miss 1 gorillion views

Qriist Supporter Politicians are to be mocked without mercy, especially if you like them.

Qriist Supporter #cancelCannibalism

JQuickDraw Supporter #Can'tibalism

Qriist Supporter I like the way you think

JQuickDraw Supporter I cut my own jibs.

RonGreen1 Politicians get more cosmetic surgery than Hollywood stars.

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw I'm impressed with how stiff your upper lip is.

JQuickDraw Supporter You have to look good for your 2am naked gay hammer fight sex.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist I rest my tea on my upper lip while carrying on

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw Do you do the gentlemanly thing of offering your defeated opponents refreshing bags of tea as they rest upon the floor?

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist I just colonize them and improve their land.

Qriist Supporter Gentrification? Oh my.

MudderFetcher the proper response to "Are you creative?" is "Sexually."

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher I'm partial to "like a motherfucker."

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist It's better described as genltemantrification.

Qriist Supporter Things that DON'T trigger Beverly: murder, tentacle porn, cannibalism. Things that DO trigger Beverly: time zones, fish decorations.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's called priorities.

MudderFetcher it's almost like if you don't punish people for Treason, you get more Treason

JQuickDraw Supporter "Treason is the Reason for the voting Season."

JQuickDraw Supporter What I meant was, they don't have the ability to cheat everywhere. They can, like Bush probably did in the aughts, swing certain key cities/counties in important states. Not the entire country.

JQuickDraw Supporter They can swing a close election with cheating, not a landslide.

MudderFetcher a lot more people are paying attention these days and their lies don't last nearly as long
OakPoke Supporter+ I think the dems tried to steal it for Gore tbh...tha'ts what the "hanging chads" were about...had lots of balltos where a pencil or pen was used to try and push the hole in on a ton of ballots...
OakPoke Supporter+ the dems were like hey these are legit! Look, it's dimpled! etc...
OakPoke Supporter+ Either way
OakPoke Supporter+ I hated bush, but voted for him twice. I'm convinced gore would have done all the same wars plus sky high energy prices. Who knows
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening, ladies. Chat

Qriist Supporter Sup Professor Oak!

MudderFetcher wait there's cake? I want cake!

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke It's fully possible they both cheated. They're all mostly not good. I call it the Godfather model. They would gladly eliminate each other, but will also work together when it behooves them.

Qriist Supporter The cake is a lie.
OakPoke Supporter+ EVening @Qriist

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist So it's a fake?
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Yeah that's the deep state. ppl were right to criticize trump for supporting PNAC junk, but so did virtually all of the dems...yikes for us.
OakPoke Supporter+ not trump, BUSH, sorry

Qriist Supporter One time Ben Shapiro retweeted me when I caught a journalist in a lie. That was notification hell.
OakPoke Supporter+ Nice. Very nice.

Qriist Supporter The Fraudstika

Qriist Supporter that graph Alex was talking about was dubbed the Fraudstika

Qriist Supporter Things that trigger Beverly: time zones, fish decorations, her own eyeball blinks.

MudderFetcher teeth/jaw pain is relentless
OakPoke Supporter+ My father had this gem framed @ his business for a decade plus. It was good quality, though.
OakPoke Supporter+

MudderFetcher they had something like 10,000 cancellations

RonGreen1 Trump gets shot in the ear, and Alex has an earache. Is there some cosmic connection?
OakPoke Supporter+ 100 percent yes.

MudderFetcher venues likely panicked for security reasons/insurance

MudderFetcher the Australian Senator trying to deport them was fun though
OakPoke Supporter+ I hope he gets them deported. That would make me smile.
OakPoke Supporter+ Black isn't a citizen anymore? Or glass or?

RonGreen1 In Chicago, everybody gets shot.

Qriist Supporter Trump, target, teehee

MudderFetcher the audience laughed and cheered
OakPoke Supporter+ My joke is how i used to be afraid PUtin would Nuke Chicago, and now i'm scared Putin won't.
OakPoke Supporter+ A rodeo clown was fired for calling obama a "thug" on his personal facebook...

Qriist Supporter this one by Troy Bond was hilarious

MudderFetcher if something is THAT upsetting to someone then it's time for some distance from the internet for a bit

Qriist Supporter I did choke up a little bit as I listened to the reading of the eulogy of the guy who died at the Trump rally.

Qriist Supporter His family put out an amazingly loving statement explaining how the man took a bullet for his wife and daughter.

Qriist Supporter That stirred emotions.

Qriist Supporter I immediately sent the sun meme to all my black friends lol

RonGreen1 His ears are so big, he can pickup HBO. 😂

JQuickDraw Supporter It was always difficult to tell Trump anything. Now you definitely can no longer give him an earful.

MudderFetcher it's like if you work at Disney where you have to be a talentless pedophile both on-screen and off

MudderFetcher I can see how someone being a shitbag could make their old stuff not nearly as enjoyable

MudderFetcher *cough Mark Hamill*

MudderFetcher nah fuck that Home Depot lady...they NEVER have the cinnamon lollipops and I know it's her fault

JQuickDraw Supporter He killed people during the AIDS scare in the early 90s. He wouldn't allow cheap drugs to market.

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm a free speech absolutist. I don't even believe in incitement. If all it takes for you to attack someone is another person to tell you to do it, you need a conservatorship.

MudderFetcher 💯

MudderFetcher Make Asylums Great Again

MudderFetcher on one hand I don't trust anyone in the various systems to declare someone insance...on the other hand Britney Spears' knife dance video

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher That's called foreplay.

MudderFetcher if someone is hot enough it's worth the stabbing risk

JQuickDraw Supporter Dick, meet crazy.

MudderFetcher one of JD's kids in named Vivek

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex is streaming from a submarine.

MudderFetcher is this a new vagina fact? do they randomly hum? 🙃

JQuickDraw Supporter Kamala can't talk, but her record is also atrocious. Tulsi wrecked her in the primary debates by just reading off the shit she did.

MudderFetcher and now JD has a long history of arguing with Indian women

JQuickDraw Supporter lol his marriage was just practice for this election.

MudderFetcher "I've been training my whole life for this!"

MudderFetcher Bitchy Beverly is Best Beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter There's another Beverly? :)

RonGreen1 Ban the liberals. Keep the guns.

JQuickDraw Supporter Their argument is that criminals get guns from the red states and take them back to the blue states, so if guns were illegal everywhere then there would be no gun crimes.

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't agree, but it's what they believe.

Qriist Supporter "false flag" means the guys who are supposed to be the victims are the ones who actually did the crime.

Qriist Supporter which ones?

Qriist Supporter I can get archives

JQuickDraw Supporter There's one woman really screaming.

JQuickDraw Supporter She gets paid to be at every tragedy.

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw Abe Shinzo disagrees with that logic lol

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Yeah but the Japanese are really smart and can McGuyver homemade guns.

RonGreen1 I'm on the side of whatever Beverly supports. Because she's a good shot.

JQuickDraw Supporter Walking down a dark alley at night, hear a noise behind you. Turn and see a thug with a gun. "I'm gonna democratize the shit outta you, boy."

MudderFetcher I guess I never mind the twitter twats because the replies tend to be hilarious

Qriist Supporter Deleting his account is illegal. It's part of the US government public record.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist You can file a complaint with the fedgov, but you have to let them know if your domicile is flammable.

MudderFetcher I re-watched both of those live action movies after that lol

Qriist Supporter plus the alleged victim retracted her story

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump and Epstein/Maxwell were enemies because he outbid them for a property, and Trump also worked with law enforcement to get Epstein arrested the first time.

JQuickDraw Supporter "use this moment to commit ourselves to civility" - said the man assassinated an American citizen and was responsible for millions dead in the middle east.

MudderFetcher I still think that Destiny is in a suicide spiral

JQuickDraw Supporter Destiny's former wife is now demanding money from him while fucking an even more effeminate man than he is. I think he's trying to stir up clicks and eyeballs to earn more money.

Qriist Supporter The problem is, the left can't conceive that someone would respond with defiant bravery.

Qriist Supporter It literally doesn't fit within their paradigm of victimhood.

JQuickDraw Supporter At least not Trump. They think he's incapable of such valor.

MudderFetcher the quiet "have" got me lmfao

Qriist Supporter H/T = hat tip

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump would have tried to call, but they would not have accepted it. They would have said it would be wrong to validate a would-be dictator by talking with him.

JQuickDraw Supporter I just noticed that Beverly pronounces the slash ("/").

RonGreen1 Beverly is a slasher.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly is my grammar soul mate :r+rickroll:

MudderFetcher that is the proper Esquire voice

JQuickDraw Supporter Well technically this wasn't an assassination. It was an attempt, and now she HAS seen one where people cheer.

MudderFetcher Beverly will make those Super Twats hum

RonGreen1 Kamel Hump four on the floor Harris couldn't debate a turnip.

MudderFetcher think I'm gonna start calling him DJ Vance just to annoy people lol

JQuickDraw Supporter DJ Jazzy Vance

JQuickDraw Supporter and the Prince of Mar-A-Lago

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm going to miss this administration, President Putin and the first black woman Vice President, Trump.

RonGreen1 Pelosi calls it the botox box.

Qriist Supporter That truncating of sentences happens a LOT

JQuickDraw Supporter Paul Pelosi calls it the Tool Box.

JQuickDraw Supporter Biden really has fully transformed into the drunk uncle at a Thanksgiving dinner.

RonGreen1 Grandpa is screaming at the birds again. 🤣

MudderFetcher "Shutup Meg."

JQuickDraw Supporter *farts in her face and runs off giggling*

JQuickDraw Supporter ???

MudderFetcher Johnny catching shrapnel like Trump's ear

JQuickDraw Supporter :r+trumpmugshot:

JQuickDraw Supporter "Evok-A." You don't get to use the hard "R" unless you're an indigenous magic user.

MudderFetcher is that like Conjewration?

MudderFetcher Gayevokers from Outerspace

JQuickDraw Supporter The captions just start blinking "Racist."

MudderFetcher I found it unwatchable...Vampire in Brooklyn was fun though

Qriist Supporter niiight

RonGreen1 Gnite ladies

MudderFetcher timezones were the real twats afterall

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, I don't think you got the times right. Do you have a friend who can explain the time zones to you?

MudderFetcher Grand Theft Fire

MudderFetcher night all 💜 🍻

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

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