Listening Is an Act of Kindness and Growth – a daily inspiration

4 months ago

August 2 - Listening Is an Act of Kindness and Growth | Daily Inspiration
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Listening, truly paying attention, is a beautiful act of kindness. God is Love and All. So when anyone is speaking to us, it is also a part of God that is doing so. Being all One, when people are speaking to us, they represent a part of us that we may have not yet heard. Thus listening to others is not only an act of love, but also of self-love. So many times during our conversations, we interrupt each other. By doing so, we teach ourselves that not every part of us is worthy of being listened to. Yet out of billions of people on this planet, God has specifically put these people in front of you. In essence, God is trying to speak to you, through them. Yet still, the ego tries to convince you not to pay attention. Being all One, if we are not truly paying attention, then we are not fully respecting ourselves.

Today, let us recall that the people we are interacting with are God’s messengers. When we are fully present, we hear the Divine sharing what aspect of love we are meant to be offering in the moment. Today, ignore the ego when it tries to convince you that others aren’t worth your time or attention. Being all One, if you deny their worth, you dismiss your own. No one who unconsciously feels unworthy feels worthy of hearing God’s messages. Today, if you find your mind drifting away from what others are saying, note that this might be the ego trying to silence God’s messages to you. Reject the ego’s efforts by acknowledging to yourself the gift that God has placed before you. Be silent, and keep your full attention on what they are saying. Then offer your gratitude to God and to His messengers for helping you recall how every single part of you is worthy of being heard.
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