Space without time.

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6 hours ago

I took a needed rest from years of hack
and also i reached my goals to be sure.
There is no doubt these stars are here.
And that is not only my perspective but
a hard fact. And if not understand what
that means for us living on planet Earth.
You should either read up or just not
swollow propaganda and not check it.
I have never said Earth will be destroyd
or every one dies. But I have point out
risks with this kind of passage by these
binary stars to our Sun.
And all the asteroid trash they bring in.
Evidence of erlier simular happenings
do exist in archaeological digs / finds.
Ancient texts also talk of it if dig in to it.
Then i tried to warn our politicians of it.
They then put surveilence to terror hack
on me instead of come and talk to me.
I did back of when i reached my goal
and a deal was they would not steal.
The money people paid in my pay site.
I did need a rest aswell, but they do not
allow me to even look my self private.
At these stars because I am interested.
I now say if continue as they do,, i will
restart my english channel here and do
updates when have something to say.
I cant live shut up and they stole it all.
And now continue hack my small new
swedish channel about our problems.
Now this start up cause of actions by
our cyber trolls again,. They continue
then i will continue until they stop and
do what is wright to do.
Of course i have been under frets by
very dangerous people or organisation.
That could still come back or be done.
My best protection is to be public and
people will know if they pop me off.
This is what Globalists also are behind
and 3 times i have been under that oak.
Back to this subject with our binaries
that are here and recharge before they
will enter new long cycle orbits in deep
space again. It has been suppressed
and that tells me i hit the secret nerv.
Ordenary people should not know and
that could be ok if back up plans exists.
But it doesn't ! Only exist for the elites.
If you not studied this topic or stars of
powers. If come close, you will not get
the risks involved for all people around.
This is the real risks and not all lies of
carbondioxide or a future boiling Earth.
I also thank nr 1 upstairs for protect the
fighters against all of this madness.
I am restarting my work life and will do
new videos when time allow me to that.
But i will and i have allready some new
discoveries about the coming stars.
Thanks for hang around even I was out
a couple of months, have missed you
all as well during this time.

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