Biden Delivers Short Statement On 'Not Appropriate' Attempted Assassination Of His Political Rival

5 hours ago

Posted • July 14, 2024: Early this afternoon President Biden, flanked by VP Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland, delivered brief remarks about the attempted assassination of his political rival, Donald Trump. Biden calls the attempted assassination of Trump “not appropriate.” That’s what I say to my kids if they belch at the dinner table. It’s not a term you use to describe assassination. This is the weakest, most pathetic man to ever occupy the White House. -- Biden reiterates that authorities do not yet have a motive of the shooter, urges everyone "don't make assumptions about his motives or his affiliations. Let the FBI do their job." (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Biden Delivers Short Statement on 'Not Appropriate' Attempted Assassination of His Political Rival
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