Assassination Attempt was in the Cards for Mr. Trump

20 hours ago

***EXCLUSIVE 4 RUMBLE*** Given the fact that the Deep State are in panic mode at the emergence of the New Right (M.A.G.A. in the USA) I am not surprised that Mr. Trump was subjected to an assassination attempt. Law-fare failed to take him down so they opted for the magic bullet. I assumed they would try to assassinate him sometime after he was inaugurated in 2025... (link below); but given the popularity of Mr Trump among the American working class and middle class, African Americans and Hispanics AND that the Deep State cannot rely on a discredited a semi-senile Biden to win in November the radical centrists got desperate...

Four American Presidents have been assassinated in US History: Lincoln (1865), Gardfield (1881), McKinley (1901) and Kennedy (1963).

Trump Restoration will Not End the Deep (Police) State >>>


Is Thomas Matthew Crooks an American version of Marinus van der Lubbe ?


REUTERS: "The early details that have emerged about [20 year old] Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was shot dead by law enforcement, show a young man working an entry-level job near his hometown in Pennsylvania, where he graduated from high school in 2022 with a reputation as a bright but quiet classmate. The FBI said on Sunday that his social media profile does not contain threatening language, nor have they found any history of mental health issues. They said he acted alone and have not identified a motive."

My 2 cents: Blaming Thomas Matthew Crooks (who was shot DEAD) would be a perfect way to deflect attention from those in power who would stand to benefit from Mr Trump's death...



On the attempted assassination of Donald Trump >>>

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