Has Voyager 1 gone silent forever? -The End of Voyager 1

4 hours ago

Voyager 1, along with its twin Voyager 2, was sent by NASA mainly to explore the outer planets. Later, they ventured into interstellar space as a bonus mission. Both the probes were launched in the same year 1977, but Voyager 1 took a faster route. However, Since November 2023, communication problems with Voyager 1 have made scientists worry about its future.

Having a long journey of 47 years, voyager 1 has existed the sun's influence and entered interstellar space. Due to its immense distance from Earth, it takes 45 hours to send and receive messages from Voyager 1. Now, it is experiencing a communication issue. The technology from the 1970s era used in Voyager 1 and its considerable distance from Earth pose the main obstacles in troubleshooting

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