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You cannot take off the table a potential assassination of President Trump - posted 6/30

7 months ago

You cannot take off the table a potential assassination of President Trump - posted 6/30


  • 0/2000
  • Progressives and individuals, some still employed by the FBI, are responsible for this environment

  • And they'll still say it's the Trump supporter's that are the "violent threat to muh duhmocracy."

  • I have been telling my friends that the communists would try to assassinate DJT, for at least, the past 6 months. It's what the bastards on the left do. As a last resort, they kill. If you are not on their page, the communist left will just "remove" you from the picture. They did it to JFK. The communists are evil, and have no morals at all. The communists are evil to their core folks, and have been at the helm for longer than you think. Watch a video on Rumble, that is titled, EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK. You will see, first hand, how evil the commie-crats are, and even more, how long this has been going on, which is well over 100 years. It is more, around 160 years. Check it out, and share it with others.

    1 like
  • Maybe the Secret Service will refuse to release Trump into custody since it is obvious he will be assassinated in prison, After the shooting attempt Saturday there can be no question of that!