when everything is a business, ethics will naturally get lost

3 months ago

i have successfully used the white board
i like me, little girl voice
if you liked you you wouldn't hate on people
i am 27min early which is amazing since i'm typically 30min late
i gotta flip it w/ time like i do in other aspects of my life
i love being in clusterA
but is it a choice tho?
the medical community never had the intention of understanding the "problem"
human beings don't have much regard for their humanity
"mental illness" is just extra _______
i avoid what i know is not good for me
the internet is too complicated for me
the voice of God is my instinct
i'm too analog for this technical world
i don't have mush brain cos i still have a flip phone
with a passion i hate memes
even the clever memes are still memes
don't think that i dunno how stupid that was
max is late too
cluster A is for the freaks
schizos are stigmatized cos we utterly reject the world
some homeless dude babbling to themselves clearly doesn't care what society thinks
any white person that says the nword into a microphone...
i really don't wanna associate w/ anyone tho
the genders are indistinguishable
i don't think i am doing a good job breaking the stigma
i'm not gonna do things that enable bad behavior
who knew that the schizo spectrum would be an advantage
the sheep just dunno any better
fuck teachers
sumin about liberty...CLASSIC american bullshit as carlin would say
...for liberty and justice for all
i've never trusted anything that the system is pushing
it is authentic is go against the grain, that's why it's the grain
how many "doctors" even know about akathisia
so many in the medical community are psychopaths
they're not paid to know anything, they are paid to push pills
society has been trained to trust the drug dealer in the lab coat
the street dealer is way more respectable
actually you DON'T hear about that, i just lied to the vortex i'm sorry
what i meant to say: you read about (if you care)
suicides involving firearm are not media friendly
media people are even worse than psychiatrists
if noticing stuff was more common this world would be way better
it took you twenty years to ask a question about yer medication
i've definitely made accommodations
here we are 30min early today but can we do it tmrw?

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