Gathering spiritual Treasures on Earth and Remorse in the Beyond ❤️ Jesus Revelation thru Bertha Dudde

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Gathering Spiritual Treasures on Earth & Remorse in the Beyond

October 9, 1948 - Message 4455 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

One of the poorest in the spiritual kingdom will be he who has failed to gather spiritual treasures on Earth, and thus enters through the gates of the beyond empty-handed. I would like to protect you from this fate because you will feel the most bitter remorse when you look back and recognize the many opportunities you left untapped.

Poverty in the spiritual kingdom is so oppressive and hopeless that it torments you and completely paralyzes your will, and therefore you will hardly free yourselves from this agonizing state. And yet it is so easy on Earth to gain spiritual possessions, if only you remember Me and desire to talk to Me. This desire alone guarantees you the dispensation of My Word in various forms....

You will always be guided to where you can receive My Word, if you do not receive it from Me directly in your mind, i.e. if you recognize My voice in your thoughts. But it is certain that you will feel inwardly urged to work with love as soon as you make mental contact with Me, that is, as soon as you attempt to reach Me. For I announce Myself through My admonition to love, because only then can I make complete contact with you. Thus, I first try to encourage you to work with love, doing so directly through the inner voice or through hints and admonitions from outside, through those who proclaim My Word and only preach love.

Should you listen to them and obey the Word that originated in Me, you will gather spiritual possessions and thus acquire a wealth which will remain with you for eternity, which cannot be taken away from you, not on earth and neither in the beyond, and it will only continue to increase, even if you distribute it continually. To enter the kingdom of the beyond blessed with these possessions is truly the most desirable of all things, for it secures you eternal life, a life in the spiritual kingdom, in activity which could only be called blissful, and it will be perceived by you as exceedingly beneficial.

However, he who enters completely empty-handed will find it difficult to acquire spiritual possessions in the kingdom of the beyond, although it is not entirely hopeless. For there, too, the Gospel will be preached to the souls but, as on Earth, it is up to them to accept it. As on Earth, acceptance merely depends on the will which is, however, extremely weakened and cannot make the right decision without the required supply of strength. And this influx of strength is also dependent on the soul's will to utilize it for charitable activity... Or a person's loving intercession, which is why you humans cannot take pity on these poor souls often enough, those who urgently need your help because they neglected to gather spiritual treasures on Earth, which would make their state in the beyond a blissful one. Their hardship is great, yet the people do not listen to My Word; they do not believe and therefore enter the kingdom of the beyond poor and dark in spirit... Amen

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