Are Bergoglio’s sanctions under CIC valid? No!

3 months ago

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In 1904, Pope Pius X decided to create a unified canon code. In 1917, the Code was promulgated. The following, new code was discussed at the Second Vatican Council between 1962 and 1965 and was completed in 1983. John Paul II and Benedict XVI each amended the Code only once, whereas Francis did so 11 times, changing 137 canons in the process. Here we see that the Code and the canons are changeable, unlike the divine truths, which are unchangeable. However, it must be known that if the Code is misused by heretics against the foundations of these immutable divine truths, or is interpreted in a contrary way, it becomes null and void, like all documents in the hands of heretics and apostates.
Today Bergoglio denies and abrogates the laws and commandments of God on which the canon code is based. Therefore, even in his hands, the canon code is invalid.
The manifest heretic occupying the papal office, Jorge Bergoglio, calls it a crime of schism when his name, that is, the name of a manifest heretic, is no longer mentioned in the liturgy by any priest or bishop. What does Canon 15 of the Council of Constantinople of 861 have to say about this?
The canon states that as for those persons who cease to mention in the liturgy a public heretic who publicly proclaims and manifestly teaches heresy condemned by holy Councils, or by Church Fathers, (or directly by Scripture), and withdraw themselves from communion with him before any official verdict rendered against him, such persons not only are not subject to any canonical penalty, but are even worthy of honour. For they condemned not bishops, but pseudo bishops and pseudo teachers. Such priests are not guilty of schism, but on the contrary seek to protect the Church from schism and division.
Schism is caused by a heretic (a pseudo bishop and pseudo pope), who leads people into heresy through an abuse of Church authority.
The manifest heretic Jorge Bergoglio summoned Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò before the tribunal on 20 June 2024 to begin the process of so-called excommunication for the so-called crime of schism.
The Archbishop made it clear that he had no intention of going there: “I have not delivered any statement or document in my defence to the Dicastery, whose authority I do not recognize, nor do I recognize the authority of its Prefect, nor do I recognize the authority of the one who appointed him,” namely that of the manifest heretic Bergoglio. Instead, he published his accusations against the invalid Pope and the Second Vatican Council: “Before my Brothers in the Episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism, and I ask that he be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the Throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years. This in no way contradicts the adage Prima Sedes a nemine judicatur, because it is evident that, since a heretic is unable to assume the Papacy, he is not above the Prelates who judge him.”
In the present situation, all bishops should take a cue from this former US nuncio who clearly distances himself from the heretic. Otherwise, if they listen to Bergoglio and submit to him, they bring upon themselves God’s anathema. It is public knowledge that Bergoglio has dedicated himself to Satan in Canada and has issued the heretical declaration Fiducia supplicans, in which he legalizes one of the gravest sins – sodomy – and even blesses this sin. With this declaration, through an abuse of authority, he drags the whole Church into internal suicide, because blessing the gravest sin is a blatant rebellion against God’s laws and commandments.
Moreover, the very essence of our salvation, Christ’s atoning death for our sins, and the necessary condition of salvation, which is repentance, are being destroyed. So, Bergoglio has transformed the Catholic Church into a New Age antichurch or a synagogue of Satan. The bishops, in this extraordinary situation, are obliged before God to separate themselves and their dioceses from the manifest arch-heretic who has excommunicated himself from the Church and therefore is not and cannot be its head. Fear of canonical penalties under the Code of Canon Law (CIC) has no justification in this situation.
Archbishop Viganò has made it clear that he does not recognize the authority of the Dicastery, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him. No bishop or priest can be in union with an arch-heretic, and if they are, they are subject to the same punishment as the arch-heretic, that is, God’s anathema, or God’s curse according to Gal 1:8-9. It is an exclusion not only from the external body of the Church, but also from the Mystical Body of Christ. At the moment of death, such a bishop or priest will be condemned unless he separates in time, that is, unless he repents.
The farce concerning Archbishop Viganò lies in the fact that he is punished for his faithfulness to Christ and the teachings of the Church. He does not recognize the manifest heretic Bergoglio, who has excommunicated himself from the Church, as head of the Church.
Briefly, canonical sanctions in the hands of Bergoglio and his sect are null and void, and those who take them into account are forced to oppose Christ and His Gospel and legalize sin.
True Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò represents the true Catholic Church and the entire Tradition. He is outside the apostate structure of Bergoglio’s transformed Church. In this situation, therefore, he can ordain bishops and is not limited by the Code, which has no legal effect in the hands of the manifest heretic Bergoglio. If, because of their betrayal and cowardice, many bishops remain under a curse and do not separate themselves from the arch-heretic, God can establish a new true Catholic episcopal structure in these dioceses.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

5 July 2024

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