i can't sit still w/ anything that i feel

4 months ago

change is often very painful
liberals can't change cos of the medication that they take
they can talk up a storm w/out ever having to be in the eye of it
i can't stop changing it's so annoying
i think it's a good thing now, still not comfortable tho, oh well
anytime people get all excited about whatever is happening there's always a sick feeling i get in the pit of my stomach
pretty sure trump is a clone
they get all hyped cos it's popular to do so
if everyone is doing sumin the likelihood of it being questioned is slim to none
parking next to the dumpster again
say the quiet part real loud n act like you're so bawlsy
podcasts n art pieces devoted to "truth" yeah okay
don't wanna be yet another white bitch whining about capitalism but
capitalism makes everything boring
most are just doin it for the $ or they're workin for people
don't expect much from the stupidest country in the world
my harr actually does look pretty good right now
if i'm honest about what most will continue to put their faith in then i will get called a naysayer for sure but it's totally worthless
appeasing the normies that bore me...not gonna do it
how can anyone have an opinion about somebody so dull
joe rogan is a litmus test to prove how boring society has become
don't wanna be too morbid but i don't wanna lie!

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